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HPP Membership Meeting Today
Here's the agenda:

Hawaiian Paradise Park Owners’ Association N o t i c e o f M e m b e r s h i p M e e t i n g June 25, 2017

Notice is hereby given that there will be a Membership Meeting of the Hawaiian Paradise Park Owners Association at 3:00 pm on Sunday, June25, 2017 in the HPPOA Activity Center at 15-1570 Maku’u Drive in the Hawaiian Paradise Park Subdivision, Kea’au, Hawaii.


I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Approve Agenda

IV. Approve Past Minutes – February 26,2017

V. President’s Report – Patrick Murdoch

VI. Treasurer’s Report – Chris Anderson

VII. Owner Input (Three Minute Testimony Per Lot Owner)

VIII. Community Resource – Chair Judi Houle

IX. Committee Reports (limit 5 minutes per Report) All Motions MUST be submitted in writing.

1. Bylaws Committee

X. Presentations:

1. PowerPoint Presentation by the HPP PMAR (Puna Makai Alternate Route) Committee – Chair Leilani BronsonCrelly

2. Request to Provide Remarks by Senator Russell Ruderman, Representative Joy San Buenaventura and Councilmember Eileen O’Hara on PMAR.

3. PowerPoint Presentation by the HPP Equity Road Fee Committee –Chair Alexa Von Alemann

XI. Old Business:

1. Restate Practice of Previous Boards to Accept Recording Devices in Lieu of a Physically-Absent Recording Secretary – President Murdoch

XII. New Business:

1. Elect Members to Finance Committee (Bylaws, Article X, Section 2) - Membership
2. Election Results 2017 & Introduction of New Board Directors – President Murdoch
3. Ceremony to Swear-In Newly-Elected Board Directors
Kathleen Shaw (D3); Jack Oskins (D4); Lori Laucik (D5); Leslie Blyth (D7); David Roe (D9); and, Chris Anderson (D8).

Directors Remaining On: Larry Kawaauhau (D1); Ruth Mizuba (D2)


1. Next Board of Directors Meeting is Wednesday, July 19, 2017
2. Next General Membership Meeting is Sunday, October 29,2017

XIV. Adjournment

HPPOA Current Board of Directors: Patrick Murdoch, President (D9); Ruth Mizuba, VP (D2); Chris Anderson, Treasurer (D8); Leilani Bronson-Crelly; Secretary; (D5); Larry Kawaauhau (D1); and Jeffrey Finley (D3)
Thanks Mermaid. No sign out at Office. Wouldn't have known without you!
What's a road equity fee
A membership committee was formed at the Feb 2017 membership mtg to research the inequity of road fees between dirt and paved roads. All are paying the same fee doesn't seem fair to some. Many members who live on asphalt roads no longer attend membership or board meetings because they already have their asphalt road, have no dust issues, higher property value, can sell their home faster than those on dirt roads etc and so forth. The committee has done a lot of research thus far and we'll get to see what they've come up with. They are also looking for more committee members.
FYI...when/if you attend today's meeting, please keep this in mind.

There's no provisions for the current board to have a meeting w/the new reps after they've been sworn in. The Orientation meeting is the only provision in our bylaws for the current reps to meet with new reps for the transition between the old and new board and it's business, including legal. There has been NO Orientation meeting yet.

(e) Orientation Meeting.

"There shall be an orientation meeting soon after the annual election of directors and before the installation of directors and officers following the June membership meeting. Invitees shall include the seated directors and the newly elected directors and may include the general manager and the Association's legal and financial counsel or other experts as appropriate. No actual business shall be conducted at this meeting. (meaning NO board votes) The location and format for this meeting will be at the board's discretion. The purpose of the meeting is to facilitate a smooth transition between incoming and outgoing directors and the agenda shall include:

1. Orientation of HPPOA bylaws with emphasis on Article IV - Objects and Purposes, Article VIII Board of Directors, and Article IX- Officers

2. Introduction of the Oath of Office and the Statement of Officer.

3. Review of board meeting procedures, board communications, board/management relationships, and personnel policies.

4. Overview of unfinished business, ongoing projects and current committees."

This is where the bylaws give provisions to discuss all unfinished business, legal or otherwise. There are no members present outside of the board and incoming reps at the Orientation meeting (unless invited by the board) so anything can be discussed w/the incoming reps. The bylaws has no language, doesn't mandate, that reps have to be sworn in first before discussing unfinished business, legal or otherwise etc.

Current Dist 5 rep said at their Jun board mtg that they can't discuss legal business w/new reps until after they've been sworn in. Where in the bylaws does it say that?? There's no Orientation meeting planned for today either.

The bylaws states contrary by the mere fact that legal counsel can be invited to this meeting: "may include... the Association's legal and financial counsel or other experts as appropriate."

So based on Dist 5 rep's rational and advice, the rest of the board thought it sounded like a good idea and the Orientation meeting hasn't taken place yet. Our bylaw is clear and was disregarded. At last year's Orientation meeting, not all new reps were contacted, and it was held in the parking lot outside of someone's SUV so they could hand off all the pertinent new board info. (You can check the minutes to see who the board reps were at the time.) After last year's orientation mtg, one of the incoming reps who had been invited to this meeting for new reps, was told a week later by Maynard that he actually hadn't won the election for Dist 1 seat. (It's in the Jun 2016 membership meeting minutes.)
Anything useful happen?
Puna: Our roosters crow first
HPP residents could or should file more lawsuits. jmo
The membership meeting was another fiasco. The president didn't know what he was doing and neither did the other board members. They were reading Robert's Rules during the meeting, some were reading the bylaws. Like I said after the last membership meeting, it's scary to think these are the people making important decisions for us. There's no excuse when one of those board members has been on the board for a long time. I've been to a lot of membership meetings and seen her at all of them. Mizuba's her name. How can you be on the board this long and still be so clueless?

Towards the end of the meeting, they didn't even know how to assess whether there was a quorum or not. There was a lot of back and forth, counting and recounting which made people get up and leave.

They didn't finish all the business on the agenda. They didn't introduce the new board. The new Finance Committee didn't get voted on. Someone asked the president to move that up on the agenda before they lost the quorum. The president said he couldn't do that. The PMAR presentation and the politician responses ate up a lot of time. Turns out the PMAR presentation may have been a total waste of time since all the politicians basically said the Crelly lady was churning things up with misinformation. There was no PMAR plan in the works.
Yet another Membership Meeting hijacked by nonsense.

At least the recording secretary was hired this time, to record the nonsense.


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