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building permit circus thread #51

It will take another $2.3M and 12 months to "automate" the building permit process -- as Rob points out, a pointless waste for pre-designed/pre-engineered structures (how many times do we have to "review" the same HPM kit home?).

Yet, somehow, with all the plan-check and review, County managed to build non-ADA-compliant housing, and they don't even know who put in the "bad" change order. We pay them, right? Didn't they all just get raises?
Zero accountability.
And this is a surprise because . . . ?
...Hope springs eternal!
Because the shower project hasn’t yet gone out to bid, Gyotoku declined to say how much remodeling will cost or how much in federal funds are at risk, only saying it’s a “substantial amount of money.”

He told West Hawaii Today he didn’t want to disclose the amount because potential bidders could use that leverage to increase their bids, knowing it’s a must-fix for the county.

Or more likely, they don't want taxpayers to know how incompetent they are in wasted dollars and cents.

(It's) what the existentialists called "awful freedom" the reinvention of irrationality by marginalized people, just in order to spite science. -Elif Batuman
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Here, I'll save them ~2 million in just a few lines:

if plan_unchanged and plan_previously_approved or plan_approved:
. print "Approved."
. archive(plan_proposed)
. exit(0)
. print "Approval needed."
. exit(0)

Seriously though, I've written production code that processes PDFs (stamps, signatures, OCR...), images, etc. Handles large distributed databases with off site backups. $2 million would be a great contract.

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