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steal a bus, don't go to jail just yet

A 21-year-old Hilo man accused of stealing a Hele-On bus earlier this month has done it again, police said.

Good thing he was a known bus thief, or HPD might still be investigating this one.
You have to wonder how we are going to survive the complete incompetence of our courts and prosecutor's office. You couldn't make this cr*p up and get anyone to believe it...
He has acquired a commercial driver's license since the first theft, so the charges won't be so steep this time. Look for him to be released on his own recognizance.
Yeah, you can't make this stuff up. This guy was turned loose without bond on "supervised release." The supervision was obviously inadequate, to say the least. If he had been bonded out, at least the taxpayers would have pocketed the forfeited bond. Of course the money would probably be used to pay our incompetent prosecutors and judiciary, so it's a lose-lose in that regard.
Give him a job. Bus driver.
Give him credit for being able to find County buses that are in working condition -- that is a skill in itself
His punishment should be - ship his kulu to Oahu permanently and ban him from this island .
Choke buses there for him to ride n steal .
Makes us wonder where he finds buses that actually run ?
That sounds like a terrible idea for a punishment. What would you say of the reverse? Oahu has plenty of idiot criminals. How would you like it if they started shipping them one way to the big island?
Oahu has plenty of idiot criminals. How would you like it if they started shipping them one way to the big island?

Don't be silly. Oahu criminals can do their work just fine from Oahu -- why, right now they're raising the TAT to pay for rail.
kalakoa @ 6:56:41-
LOL, LOL, LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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