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holy crap did you feel that earthquake just now?
my playstation took a short walk several inches away from the tv dinner tray it's on! I haven't felt an earthquake that powerful in a long time.

Aloha Smile
Aloha Smile
USGS reporting a 4.1 in Ocean View. Didn't feel anything here in Puna.
Didn't notice a thing here in HA, but I was out running with my dogs. I certainly felt the 5.3 we had a few months back!
In Hilo. Didn't feel it.
Puna: Our roosters crow first
7.3 miles deep.
Just a dinky tremor .
Maunaloa on the other hand has had many many quakes in frequent clusters
very close to the surface.
She is long over due to send Pele' down towards Ocean View area in our perspective.
Or even D.H area .
"Maunaloa on the other hand has had many many quakes in frequent clusters very close to the surface."

The interesting thing about this is that many years ago, geologists thought Kilauea and Mauna Loa were two separate systems, so one or the other erupting wouldn't affect the other. That view has changed in recent years and it seems their plumbing systems may well be connected, so if Kilauea remains as active as it is now, Mauna Loa may not erupt as often as it used to. Swings and roundabouts I guess.

As for the EQ, yes, nothing special. There were two or three tiny after-shocks but the main event was just something that happens here all the time. On the other hand, I was surprised civil defense didn't overreact as usual and tell us there's no tsunami threat. And then repeat, there's no tsunami threat, just in case we missed it the first time in the email or text.
Originally posted by Mimosa

7.3 miles deep.
Just a dinky tremor .
Maunaloa on the other hand has had many many quakes in frequent clusters
very close to the surface.
She is long over due to send Pele' down towards Ocean View area in our perspective.
Or even D.H area .

Lava in D.H would be something, we're in Lava Zone 6.

Aloha Smile
Aloha Smile
Yup felt nothing here. Epicenter out near Ocean View. I wonder how fast that lava will roll down hill in ocean view? I bet it won't be too slow. A variety of reasons that subdivision seems unsafe.
Hmmm, In hawaiian beaches I didn't feel anything here.
Lava in D.H would be something, we're in Lava Zone 6.

Have you heard about The Great Crack or Hilina Slump?
It's right up the road from Discovery Harbor, and should it ever break off, a 9.0 earthquake and 1000 foot high tsunami might result:

If the entire Hilina Slump were to slide into the ocean at once, it could cause an earthquake in excess of a 9 in magnitude, and a megatsunami. Previous megatsunamis in Hawaii... may have created waves 1,600 feet tall.


The Donner Party really wasn't that great of a party, was it?
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

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