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holy crap did you feel that earthquake just now?
glindakine has a past as a failed earthquake predictor so these sorts of things are always a sore spot for him.
Those previous "predictions" were just like those who claim psychic abilities or unique astrological abilities; just another use of the cold reading technique. No science involved at all.
when one is active the other is quiet, and vice-versa…

During the last Mauna Loa eruption in 1984, there was a 24 hour period when Pu'u o was also fountaining. Doesn't this count?
It counts. There are always exceptions to rules set by scientists, volcanologists, geologists etc. They strive for an exact science but mother nature will throw a monkey wrench in every now and then to make us scramble and re-evaluate.
glindakine, you can change your handle as often as you want, but you still write the same nonsense!

As for hate, you seem very comfortable for expressing it towards the nearly 50% or so of this country that happens to vote for a particular party you don't agree with. Might want to work on that.
Hoe hum - life goes on.
All the while this entire island is slowly moving approx 4 inches a year to the NW and West.
3 Fault zones 35 to 50 miles deep in earths crust.
Plus this island weight in pushing downwards into the crust over 5 miles.
In geologic time - our life span is just a blip.
The 84 eruption was just a few week event .
Hoe Hum life goes on.
seriously, your hate overwhelms you.
glinda - Do you ever go back and read your own hate-filled posts? Ever look in a mirror?
"I hate Republicans. Pure evil."

You should get out more.
Linchpin - That flow is from 1868. Although it's not far away as the crow flies, it would be very difficult for a flow to reach DH or Waiohinu. Even with the altered topography, any eruption from the same area wouldn't be able to head eastward until it gets makai of the highway, due to a series of north-south slumps that mark the rift zone. To avoid those it would have to originate further upslope, but just above the 1868 vent the rift zone moves west, through Kahuku and over towards Ocean View. So to reach DH a flow would have to start all the way up at around 7500 feet elevation or higher, around where the 1926 flow came from.

It could certainly reach Naalehu from there - it's Mauna Loa after all - but that slope is much less steep than the Kona side, and while several flows from that upper rift zone have gone through the upper regions, none have passed through Kau Forest Reserve in the past ~1500 years or so.
"OMG your head is so far up your ass you don't even know who you are talking about, or what the person you are referring to was saying when they talked earthquakes"

Do you seriously expect a change of username will fool people? You do realize you have a unique writing style, insults, spelling mistakes and values that give you away instantly, don't you? And how would you know "what the person you are referring to was saying when they talked earthquakes"? Seems PaulW touched a nerve of yours unless you want to tell us all what that person meant to say and how you know that.

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