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Water shortage and restrictions for kona side.
In your job as groundskeeper willy at the taxpayer-funded golf course, a job you stole from the locals, do you ever use chemicals or water?

Thank you sir and may I have another?

Well PaulW, since you asked and want to know more about me and what I am doing.

Yes, I am a local here now who works on a 5 star Jack Nicklaus golf course. On our golf course We try to use as little water as possible by watering at night and only if needed. I mow fairways, greens, and tee boxes mostly at night to help prevent burning or some drying out. Our golf season ends here in a couple weeks and I will be moved inside our casino to deal blackjack, poker and Mississippi stud. Our Casino has some 685 employees and 85% of their employees are from these parts.

Do you think Hawaii will ever allow Casino's or any type of Gambling?
Maryland Has recently started to allow gambling and it has provided many area folks with jobs. It could be much better if Maryland's public schools would actually spend their share of the gambling profits on bettering the Keiki education. The Gaming industry here reminds me of the TMT project by how they push their project developments by promising more money and educational opportunities for the Keiki. Some how These types of large billion dollar projects and investments never seem to be the answer and their profits rarely reach the Keiki like once promised. jmo

It could be worse, Other neighboring states like Pennsylvania and West Virginia would rather promote Fracking for gas than a gaming Industry.

Puna's Geothermal Venture will be expanding in the near future and asked to produce more electricity over the coming decades if the TMT project is allowed on the summit of Mauna Kea. This could mean more risks, health concerns, inconveniences and higher electricity rates for the Hawaiians and local folks residing in lower Puna. jmo's
Yes, I am a local here now...

As you are now a local in your new neighborhood after some months of living in Maryland, do you think I might finally qualify as a local in Hawaii, after living on Big Island for nearly 20 years, and Maui for 15 years before that? Am I entitled to make decisions or have an opinion on topics which affect me and my life here, now and in the future? Or do I still need to relegate that to others, who are more local, more vocal, who have a certain blood quantum of a specific DNA, who have been here longer, or who were born here?

Do you think I can ever be granted the same privileges as Big Island dogs? In the past you've indicated that when owned by Hawaiian people those dogs may have more rights than haoles, even though they didn't arrive on voyaging canoes. Soon?
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
HOTPE, you ask some Great questions. Sorry if my opinions offend you and I can not answer your many questions.

I may have been born-n-raised in Hawaii but I have deep roots in these mountains as well. My father and his Father and so on have been from these parts for centuries. My family some generations ago arrived and settled here in these mountains with Columbus himself. My family here has worked in the coal mines, on the rail roads and served for the country for centuries. Although I was not born here, I did attend high school and college for several years in this area. Which is why I call these parts my second home and wanted my kids to explore and experience this area as well.

I am a Haole and not Hawaiian in any way. I grew up paddling for Manny in Kawaihai, running and surfing in front of Ruddles in Puako and eating Doi burgers. I may have had to survive many kill Haole days in the big Islands public school system while learning how to gain respect for the Hawaiians, their history and culture. It all helped make me become who I am today and i love life, Hawaii and it's people. I believe in Karma, Warriors, Menehune's, Pele, and indigenous peoples rights and proper recognition.

Originally posted by alaskyn66

Perhaps a new tourist slogan could be Welcome to Hawai'i. If it's yellow.. let it mellow.

At least for Kona side...
Hey Gyp,

Have you ever thought about proof reading the crap you post links to ?

"State budget analysts say the money from the casino-fueled Education Trust Fund is, in fact, going to schools, helping to pay for rising costs. But that stream has allowed the governor and lawmakers to take money that once went to schools and redirect it to pay salaries, fund roadwork and support other government programs and services."
Obie, good evening to you sir.

Thanks for your input regarding my posted links.

If you don't mind me asking Obie. Why haven't you ever answered my many questions regarding the local fishing area once known as (Fisherman's wharf) in your area? Or the public ocean access trails that have been recently taken away from within your Vacation land subdivision? Why not allow the locals an area to park inside the subdivision away from the crowds of tourists? You know, to make it more convenient for local family activities outside of the bogus fish sanctuary?

The red road is now gone forever from the Kapoho area and so is the keiki's learning to fish and dive for food areas. Your subdivision has continued catering to the B&B vacationing tourism with no regard for the local and Hawaiian habits and traditions. Are you also wanting to put an end to the longtime awesome Red road nighttime car racing as well?

My guess is that most wan-na-be pilots are just naturally rude people who have no regard for others. Maybe they just think they are above everyone else most of the time. jmo
and I can not answer your many questions.

Well, defining what is local, and how to respect a person's human rights are difficult issues. I'd like to think we all have rights, wherever we are.

My family some generations ago arrived and settled here in these mountains with Columbus himself.

You might want to ask the relative who told you this detail of your family history for a little more information. Christopher Columbus made four voyages to America, none to North America. The closest he approached what is now the United States was about 100 miles off the coast of Florida, when he set anchor on an island in the Bahamas. Each of his trips circled around the Caribbean, but never north to the US mainland.

The Donner Party really wasn't that great of a party, was it?
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
"Does the road to the summit of Mauna Kea ever need to be watered down to prevent dust from contaminating the fragile or sensitive observatory equipment or the surrounding environment?
Does the Observatories need to use any water with horse soap to help clean or wash their costly technology? Are chemicals like acetone ever used?
Does the water or chemicals used to wash or clean the observatories and its equipment get reused or just pushed into drains on the floor?

Why not just read the article you posted? And no, the summit access road is never watered.
Obie, good evening to you sir.

Thanks for your input regarding my posted links.
If you don't mind me asking, Why haven't you answered my many questions regarding the local fishing area once known as (Fisherman's wharf) in your area? Or the public ocean access trails that have been recently taken away from within your Vacation land subdivision? Why not allow the locals an area to park inside the subdivision away from the crowds of tourists? You know, to make it more convenient for local family activities outside of the bogus fish sanctuary?

gypsy69, Obie lives in HPP. She's a hit and run poster and often doesn't answer questions to what she posts. If you go through some of the threads you'll see questions to previous posts of hers hanging in limbo that she hasn't answered so don't take it personal.

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