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Water shortage and restrictions for kona side.
I... may want to delete entire threads in the future

gypsy's Cultural Revolution Purge in the planning stages.

The Donner Party really wasn't that great of a party, was it?
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Originally posted by PaulW

As far as I know Obie is a man and lives in Kapoho. Why would you think otherwise?

If you read through the HPP threads, it's obvious. Other HPP people came to the same conclusion inside and outside of PT.
I also noticed Obie deletes her posts. I remember some have accused another person of doing the same.
What does all this have to do with the water shortage in Kona?
Of course Kona isn't in Puna, so you have that......
Puna: Our roosters crow first
I don't know !

I do know that I have been looking for something to do this weekend .

I'm just a 2 hour drive from Gyp.
I have a back shop pass to the Western Maryland RR shops in Cumberland .
It would be great if Gyp could put me up for the night or comp me a room at the resort.
Originally posted by EightFingers

What does all this have to do with the water shortage in Kona?
Of course Kona isn't in Puna, so you have that......

Why don't you ask Obie? Seems to be a habit of her's.

(Page 3 of this thread)


Hey Gyp,

Have you ever thought about proof reading the crap you post links to ?

"State budget analysts say the money from the casino-fueled Education Trust Fund is, in fact, going to schools, helping to pay for rising costs. But that stream has allowed the governor and lawmakers to take money that once went to schools and redirect it to pay salaries, fund roadwork and support other government programs and services."
Obie, good evening sir.

If you are indeed only a couple hour drive from this area and your looking for something to do. The weatherman say it's going to be a beautiful day and we have a music festival going on tomorrow afternoon in the area. Check this out!!

Our mountains are just full of color this time of year so the drive here and back from this area is worth it alone, jmo. If your interested in meeting and possibly playing some golf or cruising the area, please let me know. It would be a privilege to meet you personally and It would make me very happy to show someone from PUNA around these parts. The music festival link I posted is fifteen minutes from my home and five minutes from where I work. I will meet you at your convenience, anywhere in this area. I hope you read this and make the effort to respond.
Originally posted by gypsy69

Obie, good evening sir.

If you are indeed only a couple hour drive from this area and your looking for something to do. The weatherman say it's going to be a beautiful day and we have a music festival going on tomorrow afternoon in the area. Check this out!!

Our mountains are just full of color this time of year so the drive here and back from this area is worth it alone, jmo. If your interested in meeting and possibly playing some golf or cruising the area, please let me know. It would be a privilege to meet you personally and It would make me very happy to show someone from PUNA around these parts. The music festival link I posted is fifteen minutes from my home and five minutes from where I work. I will meet you at your convenience, anywhere in this area. I hope you read this and make the effort to respond.

I will be at the casino and post on here my location.

See you tomorrow
Obie, Right on.

I look forward to your post and will see you tomorrow. Good night.

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