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A bit of History about H.A.
Actually, since county has been using it, can we make them claim adverse possession, and then maintain it for us?
Interesting information . HACA and HARC are dysfunctional organizations and provide zero benifits to Hawaiian acres land owners . HARC was taken over by a husband /wife team one is president the other treasure. They self appointed themselves and scoop up the money from HACA as they pay themselves to work on the road . There is no improvement on the roads ,they have greatly deteriorated.HACA was taken over by 2 people, self appointed and no disclosure on where the funds go. The non profit status should be revoked and both organizations shut down . They in no way help or serve the subdivision and are obsolete.
The County of Hawaii does not own the road lot - they maintain their portion and accept liability should there ever be an accident.
H.A.C.A. / H.A.R.C. are supposed to maintain signage - weeds - and all poles by weed eating monthly . This also includes weed eating or mowing all intersection along the P.E.A.R. Absolutely NO round up / herbicides are to be ever used along the P.E.A.R. as agreed to by the County of Hawaii - H.A.C.A. / H.A.R.C . In addition in order for the P.E.A.R. to be maintained by the County - both H.A.C.A. and H.A.R.C. are required by law to put this out to bid in both the Hilo Trib and West Hawaii Today for 3 weeks each year and then chose a bonded and insured / licensed company to maintain the weed growth from around county signage and poles .In addition the water channel that runs through the H.A.C.A, property is to be kept clear of derbies and weeds 365 days a year.The County of Hawaii can sue H.A.C.A. for breach of contract and pull out entirely - thus shutting down the P.E.A.R. at the connector lot between Ainaloa and H.A.
The road lot itself has no deed and is sub standard in width .
Ultimately it is H.A.C.A. who still is in control of Hawaiian Acres Roadways, as H.A.R.C. is a non entity - not recognized by the State Land Court .
None of the mowing ,signage maintenance is being done, not by HARC or HACA . The water channel is full of debris and trees are going in it .
And recently a lawsuit against HACA is being brought back to life as the people that originally filed it won the appeal in court which brings it back to life and into court again . The lawsuit deals with the roads and misconduct by HARC
Obie - we stand corrected - at the time of Statehood it was the then honorable William F.Quinn
Gov Burns was elected in 1962.
Tropic Estates was formed under the Quinn / Burns / Ariyoshi era from territory through statehood via Japan and a Trust that has long since been dissolved / evolved to other trusts and foundations out of Hawaii the state.
There was a very bad accident at D and 8 some 6 months ago .It is a blind intersection with plenty county signage .
Law suits are pending - against county and H.A.C.A. at this time.
The county has the deepest pockets .
The residents of Rd D weed eat the west side of 8nD mostly for the bus stop and children but also for visibility .
We take care of our own road and do not rely upon H.A.R.C. or H.A.C.A. except for the once a year load of rock for the one mile section from Rd 5 to Rd 8 .
From Rd 3 to Rd 5 on D nothing has been done in over 7 years .
We are currently organizing many neighbors to all chip in for pavement strips a long the road way we use daily and not relying on H.A.R.C. for anything.
Cinder Jim will do the delivery when we residents have gotten enough funds together to fix it our selves .
Justthefacts, do you know who sent the letter out to all HA landowners telling them not to pay their dues? Perhaps that has something to do with lack of funds for road repairs.

I wonder if it's the same person that has cost HACA members' money by making complaints to the county over the decades old community center building? Or the same person that got the original farmer's market shut down, which required years to repermit. Or the same person that occasionally calls the HACA/HARC offices threatening litigation over unrelated things their neighbors did?

*That* person seems pretty mean-spirited, and their actions have cost the community a lot of time and money that could have gone towards more classes and events at the center, and more gravel on the roads. If only their time and energy had been used positively for the community, instead of complaining and harassing and defaming. Shame on them.
Silly people. Don't you all realize that lawsuits are the most important thing? More important than road maintenance, or safety, or zoning, or compliance. Just think of all the poor, unfortunate lawyers who can't afford at least a Mercedes, forced to drive BMWs to and from their inane court hearings. What about them?

So what if you can't have a farmers' market, or roads, or a community center. Isn't the process more important?

The main point to our thread is the History of H.A. and the roadways lot itself.
Each subdivision in Puna has it's own discourse .
In H.A. there are NO covenants in place .
The roadway lot has no deed .Full accounting off all expenditures both incoming and outgoing are required by law to be done every 3 years to maintain the non profit status H.A. enjoys and sent to every lot owner or on the web page for all to access .This has not been done.
When Tropic Estates first formed it also included Fern Acers but State Land Court said way to large .This is why on R 1 at the top of each lettered road the lots are slightly larger than the rest of the 1.8 acre lots on the mauka side of Rd 1 as when Tropic Estates 1st proposed their intent the State Land Court said no when Hawaii the State was still a territory.
The access to Rd 1 from South Kulani is on the Historic and protected Old Volcano trail .
State law prohibits vehicular traffic on this 20 ft wide trail - thus it can be shut down .
The State - County and Feds largely ignores their own laws pertaining to the historic Old Volcano Trail .
No one maintains this section except for volunteers from H.A.
It is one of the many roadways in limbo in Hawaii County .

rand it is irrelevant who sent out complaints, if HACA has less funds it does not make any difference for road repairs because nothing has been done to properly repair roads or provide maintenance for quite some time . and as for costing the members of HACA , that is a private club , a small group of people an organization that is run by two people that appointed themselves to take over the bank accounts of HACA ,to pay themselves with the funds and do little to nothing to service the 4000 plus lot owners in the subdivision.
"mean spirited" ? or whistle blower ? not costing the community because the community receives no benefits from the private clubs. HACA and HARC are self serving clubs with a handful of members . it is outlived its usefulness and has failed the subdivision . Classes and events ??? and events ?? really more self serving events for the private club nothing beneficial for the Entire community .

yes mimosa it is about the history and there is a lot of it when it comes to HACA and HARC .

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