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Feedback to HPPOA on HPP roads
Kenney and Punarain, at the last board mtg the board Pres made a motion to get bids for striping of the main drags. Luckily, the motion passed. I can't tell you how often some of us stood before the past 3 boards asking for striping and reflectors on the main drags. CS always took precedence.

Thank YOU Kenney! Smile
FYI..if you have a board that wants to follow and enforce the bylaws, they can undo the wrong of previous boards.

Hawaiian Paradise Park Owners’ Association Board of Directors’ Special Session October 11, 2017, 6PM

Board of Directors: Lori Laucik (D5), President; Ruth Mizuba (D2), Vice-President; Chris Anderson (D8), Treasurer; David Roe (D9), Secretary; Larry Kawaauhau (D1); Kathleen Shaw (D3); Jack Oskins (D4); Patrick Murdoch (D6); Leslie Blyth (D7);

I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Approve Agenda IV. Defer Approval of 09/20/2017 Meeting Minutes
V. Previously-Approved Board Motions That Are In Conflict With Bylaws
VI. Adjourn to Executive Session

Edited to reflect who the new board reps are.

"Hawaiian Paradise Park Owners’ Association Board of Directors’ Special Session October 11, 2017, 6PM "

Internecine warfare continues! What are your motivations, comrades? What are your objectives? It would be very useful if each board member would stand and say with total honesty, "I'm working to ..."

From what I have just been told, the last 4 remaining directors from the old board(s) are still trying to hijack HPPOA's Finance Committee. The obstruction of the committee over the last 2 years by these 4 and with particular culpability, the general manager Don Morris, apparently isn't working any more because of the new directors who seem to have the best interest of HPPOA at heart.

Here are a few things I have been told: 1. The FC has been trying to get what is called the Profit and Loss Detail Report for 2 years. With out that report the P&L report itself can not be scrutinized, no questions therefore nothing to find and no transparency with our money. The FC has no way to determine how the actual money is being spent and neither who is receiving the money. That is not how any organization’s finances are handled, there can not exist any secrecy. What this means is that the Associations employee, the General Manager, is the only one who knows how he is spending the money because without FC oversight, the board has no clue what is factual and can only know what the GM wants them to know, because they don’t have a true functioning FC to advise them.

2. The new board had a real knock down brawl at last Wed.’s special board meeting thanks to 4 board directors constant interruptions by making stupid comments and arguments and trying everything they could to defeat the “horrific” idea that the FC might be able to actually find out what has been going on with the Association’s money by forcing the GM to give copies of the P&L Detail Report to the committee. BTW, I was told the very same GM used to provide the detail report to the FC when he was 1st hired but then 2 years ago stopped just about the time when chip seal started.
Every one who has heard this always says the same thing, “then they must be hiding something”. It’s a reasonable question.
The vote to give the detail report to the FC passed but from what I have heard the “4” especially Patrick Murdoch, Dist. 6 and Ruth Mazuba, Dist. 2, along with one of the worst board president’s we have ever had, Craig Crelly and his wife, the now politically embarrassed, Leilani Bronson Crelly are going to try to regurgitate their attempted coup of the FC from the June 2016 Membership meeting.
At that now infamous attempt of a coup, Craig as the Pres. tried 2 tactics to keep the FC in their control. First they did not put out the membership sign-up sheet for volunteer members. When an interested former FC member asked the employees working the sign-in table where the sign-up sheet was, no answer was given. Then because that question was not going to go away, the GM produced it from some where and (no kidding) it only had 2 sign-up lines on it and they already had signatures; amazing but true. Second, the GM told an interested member that there could be no further signatures. Well, what a lamebrained coup strategy, because Craig Crelly then tried to defend their decision to only allow 2 members to sign up to a Membership committee by purposely lying about what the bylaws say. See Art. X Sec. 1. b. 2. “… at least two Association members...” as compared to Appendix E in the back of the bylaws which states, for abbreviation purposes, a time line of when important actions for the Association are scheduled to occur during the year; “2 members”.
That coup attempt failed but not before more drama when the GM erased every members names from the sign up sheet that he did not like. After having lost that battle at the meeting because the FC was elected, they then obstructed the FC from meeting and not providing the financial reports needed to keep the Association’s finances properly audited by the committee. This strategy has worked to this day.

3. Now, it appears they may be reviving the original coup strategy; only allow 2 members that are hand picked because of their loyalty to the GM and the “4”. That is what some are expecting to see at this Membership meeting coming up on Oct. 29th at 3:00.

4. Or, try coup scheme number 2; “Let’ s not have a member's vote to elect the FC at all.” This is a bit more complicated. You see, at the June 2017 members meeting they were a bit more diabolical in their planning to run their coup attempt. However, this time it basically worked because they put the most important business, that of electing the FC members to the committee, near the end of a very long agenda. And as any one who has attended these meetings can verify, they can be contentious and unruly especially when you have board presidents who have no knowledge or interest in knowing how to properly run a meeting but they are good at controlling it to suit their personal agenda. The president running that meeting was Patrick Murdoch, and when a member rose to the floor and made a motion (and having a second) to have the FC election vote moved up the agenda before there was a loss of quorum, Murdoch with consultation from one of the Crelly’s, told the assembly that he could/would not amend the agenda by claiming, I believe, that Robert’s Rules didn’t allow the agenda to be amended. This is not true, but was the argument he used. Keep in mind none of them know Robert’s Rules and his decision has since been debunked out of R’S R.

5. Here is the complicated part and that is Patrick Murdoch is solely responsible for this unbelievable screw up (more accurately,sabotage) and is now, with the help of the Crelly’s and Ruth Mazuba, going to argue at the up coming members meeting, that the FC can only be elected at the June membership meeting. The bylaws do say in Art. X Sec. 1. b. 2. “… at least two Association members… shall be elected by the membership at the June membership meeting.” The bylaws do not say that a member can not be elected any other time to the existing committee, but it only allows for the committee to be formed by a vote in June. Remember that election didn't happen because of Patrick Murdoch and the obstructionist group.

6. Here is the good news, Robert’s Rules allow for any uncompleted business to occur at the next meeting. Our bylaws require our meetings to follow R’S R. And that is exactly what the board recently voted on and wanted to happen in spite of the “4” fighting against that motion. Thankfully common sense prevailed, albeit for a short time.

Please attend the next meeting and support the new board president and the other directors who want the Finance Committee auditing our books. Let’s have transparency with the finances and hold the General Manager accountable instead of being allowed to run rogue and unaccountable to no one.
My guess is embezzlement and/or kickbacks. Too bad not enough people care and the removal-from-office process is expensive and time consuming.
I couldn't imagine what would have happened to me if I missed ONE P&L detail report.
If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it cost when it’s here come the taxes.....
"There was also discussion on 3 refinancing proposals for the bond. I heard that any of them would result in significant savings for the Association,"

I would appreciate more information on this specific topic......if anyone has the actual numbers.
It has been years since I have kept up with the continuing bond re-finance suggestions of new board members.

It has always been my understanding that the exorbitant pre-payment penalty kept re-financing this debt cost prohibitive to our association. What has changed?
Every one who has heard this always says the same thing, “then they must be hiding something”. It’s a reasonable question.

This is definitely corruption, too much crap going on. More power to the new directors if they can take the park away from these shady characters.

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The vote to give the detail report to the FC passed but from what I have heard the “4” especially Patrick Murdoch, Dist. 6 and Ruth Mazuba, Dist. 2, along with one of the worst board president’s we have ever had, Craig Crelly and his wife, the now politically embarrassed, Leilani Bronson Crelly are going to try to regurgitate their attempted coup of the FC from the June 2016 Membership meeting.

These people are nothing but trouble and bad news for HPP. A friend of mine was on the board and said HPP would be better off if these shady people would go away and never come back. I heard the Crelly lady was involved with the election getting screwed up last year. There's someone who doesn't belong on the board. Why wasn't there an investigation?

- - - - - -
Here is the complicated part and that is Patrick Murdoch is solely responsible for this unbelievable screw up (more accurately,sabotage) and is now, with the help of the Crelly’s and Ruth Mazuba, going to argue at the up coming members meeting, that the FC can only be elected at the June membership meeting.

Isn't Murdoch the guy that was behind the mailbox extortion plot? Another screw up by the same guy? These shady characters better not try and screw things up again at the next members meeting. I'm so friggin tired of all this crap.
I hate to keep pointing this out, but: if the roads were actual County public roads, the Board could focus on more important issues like "what color to paint the community center".
If the roads in your neighborhood are so poor - why did you move in?

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