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Staff infection, home remedies ?
Home remedies don't work. That's why they're only used at home. Send your staff to the doctor.
Originally posted by maud gonne

So sorry to hear you've got what so many of us in Puna have to struggle with - often.

Often? Really? Been here for ages, swam everywhere (with open wounds too) and not a single case. What am I doing wrong?
In all my years of surfing and getting coral cuts on a regular basis, I never got staph, but many (not all) of my friends did. I came to the conclusion that some people have a natural resistance to it and others don't. But I do know for a fact that if left unchecked it can be very dangerous. Trying the home remedies is fine, Bacitracin was the ointment of choice for my group, but if you see the red line or start feeling sick, it's time to stop resisting the hospital visit.
There are different strains of Staph.
MRSA is nothing to experiment with.
Once it gets a hold on you its very hard to get rid of and only specific antibiotics work on it.
I've had friends loose digits from it.
IF the infection is serious and spreading make sure your doctor does a culture test to determine which antibiotics work for the particular strain you have.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
You’re playing with your life....
Puna: Our roosters crow first
AND you can infect OTHERS!!!!
Either ignorant, selfish or Both?

Anybody read the OP? Sheesh, sounds like the medical industry hasn't been effective (not sure, of course). But "Don't care if it kills me later" hints at him/her maybe being at wits end.

Who knows...I guess everybody. (I exaggerate for effect.)

Originally posted by My 2 cents

In all my years of surfing and getting coral cuts on a regular basis, I never got staph, but many (not all) of my friends did. I came to the conclusion that some people have a natural resistance to it and others don't. But I do know for a fact that if left unchecked it can be very dangerous. Trying the home remedies is fine, Bacitracin was the ointment of choice for my group, but if you see the red line or start feeling sick, it's time to stop resisting the hospital visit.

That may be true however areas of poor circulation in the body are often the areas that are slow to heal staph infections.
Sorry you're suffering. That said, If antibiotics are only slowing it, you need a different one. It's not just a "red line" that indicates danger. The infection can easily go "systemic" if you don't catch it in time. You need to return for further medical care. Staph is nothing to mess around with. It can kill you sooner than later. I hope you decide to seek professional care and get rid of it.

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