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Staff infection, home remedies ?
Staph can morph to what we now call flesh eating bacteria .....agreed .....nothing to mess around with - or infect others ....go see some one that knows about infections ....sepsis can kill

good luck
I got Staph living at Kauai's Taylor Camp back in the 70's living in unsanitary conditions...quickly I had Staph sores real bad on hands and feet...this is how I stopped it in one must have a thermometer to do this correctly...I "slowly poured" in 115-120 degree hot water into a 5 gallon bucket "1/4 full of 90 degree pre heated water" at first get acclimated to the hotter 115-120 degree water I was going to slowly add...also I rapped the bucket with 2 terry cloth towels to keep the heat up as I slowly added 110-120 degree water is as hot as I could stand it for "30 minutes of soaking" is what is needed to kill the Staph...I didn't let the water temp drop below 110...I kept adding "slowly almost boiling" hot water to keep the temperature constantly up in the 115-120 range...I removed some water to keep adding more hot water when I needed.

After 30 minutes of 115-120 degree soaking, the dead Staphs perimeter turned into a "white 0 ring" look...then with tweezers I easily pulled the white 0 ring off and it started bleeding then I knew killed it...I bandage and kept the area clean for a few weeks to heal.

If Staph is on other body areas go to a Doctor now! also quarantine yourself from others to keep it from spreading...check your living conditions are they sanitary? ...good luck my friend.
After getting cut on damaged lawn furniture the day after Iselle, I got infected, got worse every day, for 10 days. I used everything I could think of, Neosporin, Alcohol, only got worse. After about a week, went to The clinic in Pahoa, found I had 2 different infections, Stapholaccai and Pneumolaccai. They cured it in 10 days, but I have a big divot in my left foot, a half inch gap and a discolored spot around it about an inch across. There are a few people around here not so lucky, lost their feet.Don't bother with honey or other homeopathic crap. Don't mess around.
Dude! It's staph! You wouldn't wish it on anyone. Well maybe Trump, when he is found guilty of being a sexual predator and they sentence him to mandatory castration one could wish that the doc doing the procedure botches it and he gets staph! But besides Trump I wouldn't wish it on anyone. You can die if it gets out of control, i.e. goes deep gets into places with poor circulation etc. In other words stop with the woo woo home remedy silliness and get yourself to the doctor already!

And of course, one must qualify any medical advise given by stating it is only my opinion, but dude, it's staph! Go to the frickin doctor already!
I suspect the OP has been to a doctor, unless you think the antibiotics mentioned are from the black market. Been waiting for the OP to say so, but after being scolded repeatedly for not doing something s/he appears to be doing (seeing a doctor), there may be no point.

Or maybe the antibiotics are OTC creams or something, not pills...and PunaWeb scoldings have now saved his/her life! I see a bumper sticker in this: PunaTalk Saves Lives!

200 deaths a year? I am sure that none of them went to a doctor...and would be alive today if only they at least lurked this forum.

Home staff infection remedy: Continue to consult doctor, follow instructions.

Staph infections occur when staphylococcus bacteria, which normally live on the skin or in the nose, get into the bloodstream and attack other organs including the skin. The worst strain is Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus, more commonly known as MRSA. It usually takes sample testing to identify your infection strain and get a treatment that works.
did noni leaf press. Laukahi and other home remedies.
All DID NOT WORK. Infection got angrier and worse.
Antibiotics eventually did the job. Go to urgent care.
Staph infections in Hawaii are nothing to mess around with. One who thinks they may have staph should see a Doctor and get/take antibiotics before it worsens or spreads to others. Some may find This article about Hawaiian waters interesting.

Mahalo kakou,

Found most of these online and trying them now that I believe the thing has stalled out in its growth but I'm off the meds as of today. Keeping it soaked with peroxide is helping I believe as well. Tumeric when I am out and about.

Never thought of the heat one. Interesting to try it.
Are you sure its staff (like have you been tested for staph infection)? If its fungal in nature, antibiotics won't work.

Dayna Robertson
At Home Hawaii
Real Estate Sales and Property Management

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