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2014-2015 -- 56% of Big Island Coral Died
When anti oil industry activists charge the oil industry is subsidized by the government they are referring to the farmer's fuel tax credit since farmers don't farm on the road.
leilanidude posted:
False. This has been proven over and over. There was no radiation here from Japan!
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leo posted:
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lodestone posted:
There is SOME radioactive material from Japan in our waters, but not enough to worry over. Per the article you posted.

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The point is there is SOME, not a definitive "False NO radiation as proven over and over etc" as leilanidude stated.
Originally posted by leo

leilanidude posted:
False. This has been proven over and over. There was no radiation here from Japan!
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leo posted:
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lodestone posted:
There is SOME radioactive material from Japan in our waters, but not enough to worry over. Per the article you posted.

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The point is there is SOME, not a definitive "False NO radiation as proven over and over etc" as leilanidude stated.

Your link has ZERO mention of Hawaii having radiation.

"There was no radiation here from Japan!"

By the same token, where is "here"?
There is also naturally occurring radiation. Move to another planet.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
A recurring issue when discussing radioactivity is the excruciatingly fine line between NONE and a TEENY TINY LITTLE BIT. Is there an atom or twenty of Badnastium-123 from Fukushima in our waters? Probably. Are experts able to detect it amidst the naturally occurring radioactivity already there? Nope.

Folks, there are a LOT of things to worry about these days (like the aforementioned warming temperatures), but this ain't one of them.


People are and have always been excessively terrified of ionizing radiation. The tsunami killed 18,000, and the radiation might claim a dozen or so. And what is everyone still going on about? Not the tsunami! I swear, if it became known that a giant asteroid was headed for the earth and we going to die in the impending fireball, there would be two headlines in every newspaper: "PLANET EARTH DOOMED" and "ASTEROID IMPACT COULD CAUSE RADIATION LEAK AT NUCLEAR REACTORS".

Rant concluded. Thank you for your patience.
You guys all missed the best part of the old Gypsters post !

"My two cents on this issue is that fishing jobs in Hawaii should be offered to residents of Hawaii."

Said by the guy who claims to work at a casino in Maryland that was built with taxpayer money so the locals could have jobs !
"There is also naturally occurring radiation. Move to another planet."

Thank you, Rob. Whatever radiation came here from Fukushima was at such a low level that it was hardly above measurable levels, let alone anything that would harm coral reefs in Hawaii. However, because the word "radiation" scares so many people with little knowledge of the subject, you end up with nonsense claims aimed at scaring people.

I will add that any other planet also will have some level of radiation. You can't escape it. Moving to another planet will likely not help. Wink
Now you've done it, Lodestone. "Ionizing radiation" are two scary words. We were only worried about the common or garden radiation before. Wink
Here's one from left field for anyone interested in radiation and corals...

Scientists have been studying the effects of gamma radiation (mutations) for crop improvement (breeding) since the late 1920s.

Some commonly used improved crops include ruby red grapefruit, disease resistant cacao and barley (used for scotch whiskey).

Perhaps a little radiation would provide corals more resistant to climate change.
For those unfamiliar coral while different shares much in common with plants.
No doubt many radiated corals would die, but the ones that would survive would prove to be more resilient in the face of adversity and the coming challenges that climate change will no doubt cause.

I wouldn't be surprised if this work wasn't already being pursued in vitro in the lab.

Just an alternative perspective, to be clear I'm not advocating for irradiating our oceans / coral reefs.

: )

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