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Got Geiger counter?
Aloha my friends

New Study: US state hit with up to 200 times more Fukushima fallout than expected — Over a Trillion becquerels of nuclear waste fell on Hawaii — Scientists: “Plume may have taken an alternative path… Greater than anticipated”

Living in Puna 40 years, in January 2016 I got Thyroid Cancer, because of Fukushima's Iodine 131 fallout, it came on fast it was very painful to the touch making the right side of my face ache real bad and it was becoming more and more hard to swallow, realizing I had Cancer I put my home remedy to work and over came it in two weeks...

FYI>about four years back I started to urinate blood clots and knew I had liver Cancer because my brother died from that, he also urinated blood clots, I beat Cancer then with my own home remedy using Baking Soda and Maple Syrup cooked at low heat to bind the two elements together into a Carmel like consistency, that I reheated adding a tablespoon+ of water to get it back into a liquid form so I could suck it up with a Turkey baster to fill approximately 24 double 00 gel caps (one days dose, 12 cap's upon arising, 12 upon bed time, with zero sugar intake in-between) making it easer to take because I can't stand the taste of it.

My ratio is two teaspoons of Bob's Redmill Baking Soda added to six teaspoons of dark amber grade A Maple syrup...what happens is, this combination is a Trojan horse to the Cancer's host Fungus that creates a swelling tumor as it feed off of radioactive bombarded dead cell's, Fungus's also like sugar's, but with the Baking soda attached to the Maple syrup it makes the Fungus so Alkaline it dies within a few weeks time, Tumor swelling goes down and away.

Disclaimer> this is not a Cancer cure only a Cancer Fungus killer, there is no cure for cancer it's an on going phenomena because of the Nuclear Ginny was let out of the bottle as far back from the first Nuclear testing of Nuclear devises for bombs atmosphere testing and Nuclear reactors now operating World wide and some Reactor meltdowns.

FYI> From what I understand the Becquerel discharges from radioactive heavy metal's (1,952+Actinides off shoots) kill cells allowing a Fungus to move in feeding off the Alpha & Bata Becquerel discharge bombarded cells that died and man made sugars too, Chemo kills the Cancer fungus host, but it also kills other beneficial Bacteria, Fungus, and a whole host of other micro organism's as well that makes us into a flesh coated skeleton human, understand we are only 10% human the rest of our makeup is Bacteria, fungus, Virus's, micro organism, and some parasites, that's why humans get so sick from Chemo as it "carpet bombs the whole system then they want to do a radiation CT scan to see if the Tumor is gone and that starts the Cancer processes up in an other location, that's why with in 4 to 5 years later you got Cancer again, there is a 4-5 year latency period from time of radiation dose to a noticeable Cancer tumor.

Note> I'm nobody special by any means, just an informed person @ 76 years old and med less...sorry for the long winded post but I felt is was important...Aloha
I'm sorry you got cancer but Fukushima had nothing to do with it. It did not get anywhere near here.
You should be more selective in your reading, the internet has a lot of nonsense.

Good luck with your recovery.
Enenews is a fear-mongering site that posts nonsense articles. No one should take anything they publish as being accurate.

We'll be ready for Godzilla this time.
And there was no fallout
I won't argue with anyone about the Fukushima facts because you see "Reality goes at the speed and quality of educated freewill choices"...over and out.

Originally posted by TomK

Enenews is a fear-mongering site that posts nonsense articles. No one should take anything they publish as being accurate.


The article appears to be quoting directly from a UH Manoa report. So, has anyone from UH Manoa come forth to deny that this is their report? Or is UH Manoa in on the "fear-mongering"?

Reminds me of the old episode where this woman had a machine that could cure cancer.
A drowning man will grab at anything....
Puna: Our roosters crow first
Here's the layman's version of the report by authors Hannah Azouz and Trista McKenzie cited in the OP's link:

Tests by the UH-Manoa research team continued every month through 2011 and have been administered every three to six months in subsequent years.
“The conclusion is pretty much that all is safe,” said Henrietta Dulai, Associate Professor in the Marine and Environmental Geology Division within the Department of Geology and Geophysics at UH-Manoa, who oversaw a small research team including graduate students Hannah Azouz and Trista McKenzie. “Tests are still ongoing, but we do not expect any significant levels at all.”

Ocean currents that might have carried radioactive materials from Japan to Hawaiian shores never made direct contact with the near-shore environment of the Hawaiian Islands...

“The natural radioactivity in the soil is orders of magnitude higher than this added cesium level,” Dulai explained. “The added cesium is a tiny fraction of what is there naturally...

“Facts fall from the poetic observer as ripe seeds.” -Henry Thoreau
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

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