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Strange times: 1st lost boat, now hospital escapee
If the episode with the 2 women who got lost at sea wasn't enough, now we have the case of hospital escapee Randall Saito (recaptured today).

Here are some quotes from officials on Saito: "diagnosed with sexual sadism and necrophilia......unable to feel empathy for others....(fits) all the criteria of a serial killer...(described as) a violent psychopath."

And then we find out he had sex with "at least 3 staff members." What an astounding case of seduction. What a lothario. (And he was with a girlfriend when he committed his original murder).

(Oh, I guess I shouldn't assume here; maybe the staff members seduced him. Say, why is he here...because he likes to have sex with dead bodies....Naaah, that's probably a mistake on the diagnosis. Gonna chance 'em.)

And I thought the case of the Orange Sunshine ladies was the weirdest thing we would see for a while....
That is one strange story, he actually chartered a plane to Maui! It seems he also married two different women while inside.

investigation into why employees appeared to fail to do their jobs. ... an internal inquiry indicated that workers inadvertently or intentionally neglected to supervise Randall Saito and notify their supervisors. ... It wasn't immediately known how he was able to charter a plane ... Gov. David Ige said authorities and the public should have been notified much sooner ...

Just, so awesome.
It'll be interesting to find out who helped him with this one. Who got the money for him? Who filled a backpack with cell phone, cash etc. and then hid it in the park for him? Who chartered the flight? (did he do that from the facility, or was that called in from someone else?) I'm surprised they caught him so quickly, given that he was 2500 miles away.
I'm surprised they caught him so quickly

His mistake was going to California.

He said he used fake IDs featuring his photo and another person's name to get past the Transportation Security Administration checkpoint.


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