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I don't believe members will be deterred from wanting the forensic analysis.
Correct: members can want that forensic analysis, and they will continue to want.
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I agree that a forensic audit has a lot of merit, but it would probably take a court order to get one. Having watched the HPPOA train wreck for over 15 years now, I don't see anyone who has been on the board more than a few months to want to start digging around. It doesn't take long to get dragged into the mess and get one's hands dirty.
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expedience is desirable as long as due diligence and transparency are maintained.
It seems that emergency meetings and closed door meeting happen a lot and there's never any published transcripts or video from them. It doesn't inspire confidence that due diligence and transparency are a priority.
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And those that do research or fight for transparency are bullied as what's going on now. They want to depose the board pres for wanting transparency and for wanting the FC to be involved in all $$$ matters.
There's a board vacancy as of today. Dist 3 rep resigned. Only bylaw followers need apply.
Let's see who they choose to fill the vacancy....a "recycled" board appt'd rep from boards in recent past?
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The (Majority) BOD voted DOWN the Membership votes for both the Forensic Audit (which I repeat was a Unanimous vote) and vote of No Confidence for GM, and they have the audacity to call themselves District Representatives.
Day alum wasn’t bad. At least the roads were maintained and business carried on without the continuing saga of Rogue BOD’s running amok.
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Is there a record of who/how votes on the audit and the no confidence votes went?
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Tomorrow, 20 Dec 2017 8 AM - 10 AM. A gathering in the library w/board members and FC members for a Q & A w/the broker, Steve Gortler, who is flying in from the mainland. He will be attending the Board meeting tomorrow night at 6 PM as well.
You may wish to attend the morning gathering to hear the Q & A posed by the board and FC members.
Don't know if anyone will be voting on the Bond yet at the board mtg but I think that was the plan by some of the reps and GM before the FC was brought in by the board Pres after being excluded purposely. Important documents haven't been scrutinized by all of the board and FC yet....not good.
At yesterday afternoon's mtg, the board voted to sign the engagement letter for the broker and bond counsels. They only required the signature of the Pres, or VP, IF the pres wasn't available. The VP Ruth Mizuba, aggressively grabbed one of the forms and put her signature on before the pres, saying she didn't care, she was going to sign the forms any ways. Hmmmmm.....what's up? Does it have anything to do w/their plans to depose the pres?
Dist 6 rep Murdoch ran the whole meeting while the Treasurer barely uttered 2 sentences for an hr and a half. The pres asked Murdoch how he ended up handling the Bond research for the board, as the board had voted for the treasurer and the GM to be handling this business. It's been clear to everyone the treasurer is barely involved. Dist 6 rep has a habit of going rogue. He's not to contact outside entities w/out the board's approval and yet he continues to do so. Gortler just the other day spoke to the board pres for the first time.
Please consider joining the board and fill the vacancy for 6 months. It would be a term that would end in June 2018. The board won't be filling the vacancy yet at the board mtg tomorrow night in order to give the membership adequate time to apply for the vacancy. Half this board disregarded this courtesy to the members in Feb 2017 as former Dist 5 rep who filled the vacancy came in illegally, after Maynard resigned.
Edited for clarification purposes.
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The Meeting you’re referring to wasn’t even a legal Meeting as there was no Recording Secretary. It was an informal gathering if anything. That’s why the 2 BOD Members who DO want to follow the Law departed.
How can business be conducted by the VP in a non meeting? (ie, VP signing contract)
Isn’t this what got us Sued by former employees?
A few BOD Members got together and decided to terminate staff without the knowledge (or due process) of the law abiding BOD Members.
There are 9 BOD Members and ALL are intended to be included in decisions, not just the Rogue, uninformed Majority who will follow the lead of the loudest voice.
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Sorry for the confusion Kenney. They rescheduled the "illegal" mtg they had last week w/out a recording secretary, to this last Monday at 1 PM and the recording secretary was present. There weren't many people this time in the peanut gallery.
I posted the agenda for their "emergency meeting".
There won't be any business conducted at tomorrow's "gathering" in the library. As I said, it's just a Q & A between the board, the FC and the bond broker, and some members may wish to hear important information first hand.
It wasn't necessary for the VP to sign the engagement letters but she insisted upon it when she grabbed the forms.
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Regular Board of Directors’ Meeting December 20, 2017, 6PM
Board of Directors: Lori Laucik (D5), President; Ruth Mizuba (D2), Vice-President; Chris Anderson (D8), Treasurer; David Roe (D9), Secretary; Larry Kawaauhau (D1); Kathleen Shaw (D3); Jack Oskins (D4); Patrick Murdoch (D6); Leslie Blyth (D7);
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Approve Agenda
IV. Approve Past Minutes
V. President’s Report – Lori Laucik
VI. Treasurer’s Report – Chris Anderson
VII. General Manager’s Report – Don Morris
VIII. Proposed Bond Presentation -- Steven Gortler et al.
IX. Committee Reports: (Chair to give 3 minutes’ report. Motions must be provided in writing.)
Bylaws, M. Pavao Chair; Equity Rd,Peter Frost Chair; Mailbox,R. Mizuba Chair ; PMAR,Christian Anderson Chair; Finance,Chris Anderson Chair; Paths John Seastrom Chair; Parks, Chair Ruth Mizuba.
X. Community Resource Report – Judi Houle (Albizia, Fire Ant, Emergency Access Team)
XI. Owners’ Input (Three-minute testimony per lot owner. It is requested that owners submit written questions for which a response is desired.)
XII. Proposed Bond Q&A -- Steven Gortler et al.
a. Status of Membership Committee “Equity Road Committee,” and request to rename to “Equity Road Fee Committee” – Peter Frost
b. Discussion on surfacing of 14th, between Paradise and Maku’u; Status of construction proposal – Peter Frost
c. Chip Seal contract Discussion
d. Grass Hopper contract Discussion
e. Forensic Investigator Discussion
a. Responses to Owners’ Questions from Previous BOD Meeting
b. Meeting Minutes Approval Method and Audio Recording Handling Discussion
c. HPPOA Staff Holiday Review
a. Next scheduled BOD Regular Meeting is January 17, 2018 at 6PM
XVI. Adjourn to Executive Session