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Return of the Superferry?
Digging deeper into the original Superferry, when it was operating (at 29% capacity) the fuel cost on the short route was $7000 per voyage, or $120 per person. That doesn't include the cost of the boat, crew, taxes, etc. They were selling tickets for $49 "promotional price" just to hit the 29% capacity, or in other words, losing $71 per passenger just in fuel costs.

I can't imagine how bad it would be if government bureaucracy was taking its toll in addition to that.

It's bad enough my tax dollars are getting sucked away into a rail system to nowhere, lets not put us into the poor house over a grand marine highway scheme that will only aid the politicians and their lobbyists.


Bring a privately funded Superferry II on. I'll give it a try (in the summer). Just don't bring government spending or my tax dollars into the equation.
Agreed! HOTPE @ !5:41:31 and terracore @ 16:29:02
fuel cost on the short route was ... $120 per person. ... selling tickets for $49

Sounds just like the bus system. Gee I wonder why there's no money?
glinda @ 20:27:11, 8/18/2017-
Not too good at reading comprehension? Dude?[Wink]
I think the people on Kauai were right on not allowing them to dock. I think the Big Island was very lucky we never had them make landfall here. I think we should do whatever we can to keep this from happening in the future.

You have it backwards. The Big Island already has all the invasive species that the others don't want.
Yeah, what are we going to get... Kauai's chickens?
One islands ills will soon be shared with all islands including the vermin that travel back and forth with their "I got it at a garage sale" goods. As if it isn't bad enough.

Community begins with Aloha
Originally posted by terracore

Yeah, what are we going to get... Kauai's chickens?

Honolulu's homeless. They'd be given a one way ticket our way. Sad
To give this tread an epitaph..

The Department of Transportation's study into the feasibility of a state wide ferry system got a resounding thumbs down... see Civil Beat's "State Says Ferry Isn’t A Realistic Option" here..

which in part says:

"There’s more hype than actual interest. There’s no pier space. And it’s just too expensive."

I find it interesting that the state, who I sense wanted this study to find that it would have been a great idea, is so honest with its findings.
Oh, for heaven's sake. Go to Vancouver. Pay a very reasonable price. Get on the ferry. Take your dog. Take your car. Dine en route if you wish. It is really simple.

The only complication for Hawaii is rougher waters and coquis and fire ants. This island is toxic to other islands because Hawaii doesn't believe in protecting the aina except as a matter of high minded philosophy that doesn't translate into dollars for agricultural inspectors and eradication of invasive species.

So, that problem would need to be addressed. But ferries would be good for tourism and residents alike. Not having them is ridiculous and further evidence of a cynical refusal to do anything that resembles collective action to improve our infrastructure.

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