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Inbound missle from N. Korea alert.
Originally posted by HereOnThePrimalEdge

And NOW! TONIGHT!! Together again after all these years...
Love, love me do.. you know I love you... so pleeeease..

And I was sure.. absolutely sure.. the walrus was Paul! Yes?
My God, the Gypsy-insprired TMT debates have only been absent 2 months or so, and the old timers are turning on each other.

And one faction apparently has decided to consolidate as The Trio. Are some miffed for being excluded? Stay tuned, fellow newbies.
seems we might have some more Newbie baiting going on... my rants against pompous old timers... the old timers are turning on each other.

Reminder to all four figure Punaweb members (those with 1000+ posts):
It's again time for another of our secret meetings, where we gather, formulate, and establish proposals for our agenda in the coming months. As MarkD has devised some serious CSI no shoot Sherlock abilities to uncover what we felt certain was our clandestine operation tormenting two digit newbies and the like, development of a replacement program should by necessity move to the top of the list.

Same Bat Time
Same Bat Channel
See you all there

"This is an island surrounded by water, big water, ocean water.” - President Donald J. Trump
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
That's very good, HOTPE, very funny.
Apparently that screen shot has changed, but still not the actual one...

HEMA Officer getting dozens of death threats...

Now Hawaii is a joke ...
HEMA using high-tech Post-it encryption for password...
Well, nothing to do about Hawaii being the butt of late night show jokes. We deserve it, and can only wait it out.

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
the butt of late night show jokes. We deserve it

Nor is it the first time; anyone remember "shortest school year of any State"?

There's plenty more jokes to be had, starting with the RLW response. Someone get on the phone to Hollywod and New York City...
leilanidude, typical of you to produce one or two sentences attacking the person rather than actually saying something of value.

I think we're all still waiting to read his first FOI request which he said he posted, or the second FOI request which he said he submitted to provide evidence for his attack on the hundred thousand dollar teachers in Pahoa. But I guess rather than say something of value, for instance, the REAL average teacher salary of Pahoa teachers... just slander them and fake your imaginary sources.

And then ignore the followup questions.

"This is an island surrounded by water, big water, ocean water.” - President Donald J. Trump
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Frank DeLima has a pretty apropos song about Saturday & `Stayin Alive!`...

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