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Inbound missle from N. Korea alert.
His poor performance has been documented for years, and other members of the team say they were not comfortable working with him in any role."

And yet he was still working there (probably a union issue) in a position where he could be a CRITICAL DANGER TO SOCIETY. This is on management.
If it's on management is Miyagi's retirement enough of does it need to go higher up and above his position? Surprise surprise more dishonest government employees.
Originally posted by My 2 cents

His poor performance has been documented for years, and other members of the team say they were not comfortable working with him in any role."

And yet he was still working there (probably a union issue) in a position where he could be a CRITICAL DANGER TO SOCIETY. This is on management.

Although I agree that it was almost certainly a union issue, I can't fault the managers. For a manager to fire a state employee for any infraction less than a felony (or a headline...) is nearly impossible and takes years to accomplish. (and I'm not betting that the guilty employee will get fired - more like retired with full pension..) The news media says that Miyagi has stepped down - that will be a real tragedy - I've worked with a number of those guys over the years and he was one of the best: conscientious, serious about the responsibilities of the office, supportive of improving preparedness and responsiveness - everything you could look for in that office. But the state system is so broken, that even good people like him can't overcome incompetence (and indifference, and maliciousness, and...) in the rank and file positions that have union protection. But they are expected to fall on their swords when this kind of thing happens. Which is why it is so difficult to find and keep competent people for these positions - I've seen several come in from outside Hawaii, with great enthusiasm, and suddenly disappear a year or so later.
prolly good there was no inbound ...
The movie Wargames comes to mind. The only winning move is not to play:
U.S. Test of Missile Interceptor Fails (Today) Off Hawaiian Coast, Officials Say

Previous missile intercept seen by Keck and Gemini Observatories on Mauna Kea:
For a manager to fire a state employee for any infraction less than a felony (or a headline...) is nearly impossible and takes years to accomplish.

Right, but the manager, aware of his incompetence, could have placed him in a position where he couldn't do this kind of damage. However, I will concede that the other choices for this position may not have been any better.
the manager, aware of his incompetence, could have placed him in a position where he couldn't do this kind of damage

County Planning is hiring?

Green [lawyer for plaintiff] says his client has been made a scapegoat in all this. The worker has been living in fear because of the death threats, and Green says it’s because the state lied about what happened.

Once the panic died down on Jan. 13, state officials, including the governor, announced that the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency worker who issued the missile alert had mistakenly pressed the wrong button.

On Tuesday, Jan. 30, the FCC and the state added that the worker didn’t know it was a drill, and actually thought there was a missile attack.

“He never pressed the wrong button. He pressed the button he wanted to press, because the way it came out, he thinks we’re in imminent danger. Within 20 minutes, we might not be here anymore,” Green said.
The worker has been living in fear because of the death threats, and Green says it’s because the state lied about what happened.
How did he get death threats when his name wasn't released until just a couple days ago?

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