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Perhaps this thread can be used to share articles we found interesting or pertinent to time and place.
One such article I'll start with is found here
this article mentions my own subdivision, and one day home. Interesting to me Driving Under the Influence a misdemeanor not a felony. Also the number of conviction of petty crime people rack up is also alarming to say the least IMNSHO. Mella
mella l
mella l
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Dear God! How's someone like that with all those priors stay out of jail to finally come to this awful thing!? Very sad news.
"The opportunities to reach into the lives of others in an inspiring way arise in countless ways every single day..." Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
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A district attorney once told me that driving under the influence was so irresponsible it was like attempted murder.
He visually set a picture in my mind I'll not soon forget. Someone with a rifle standing on a hill side over looking a parking lot full of people milling around takes a shot at the crowd. Nothing personal someone dies. He equated driving under the influence with murder, perhaps premeditated murder, as those under the influence do make the choice to get into a vehicle and drive.
A vehicle is as dangerous to the unsuspecting public in the wrong hands as a knife, gun, garrot, or bomb. A vehicle is a deadly object while driven under the influence, and punishments should be equivalent for its irresponsible use.
But it takes a conscience to realize this. I once at the age of 24 drank and drove. In the morning when I came to my senses, realized driving home drunk only 2 miles! was like being in sometype of time warp and had movie like qualities as all lights we four times their actual size.
mella l
mella l
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The article about Puna's rebirth can be found here. Interesting perspective, hope it holds as crime rates seem to have diminished and property values increase.
mella l
mella l
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Why would we want property values to increase? We would have to pay more in property taxes! I've heard that on the mainland property taxes are fixed at the amount they were when the property was bought and stay that way until it gets sold again. Here, however, property taxes are re-calculated every year. We do NOT want our property values to go up since it costs us more money.
"I like yard sales," he said. "All true survivalists like yard sales."
Kurt Wilson
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I had to post to the comment that taxes on the mainland are fixed. I think this may be true in California. It is not true here. Property taxes here are adjusted every few years and depend upon real estate activity. .
Edited by - lee dejongh on 07/18/2006 09:59:08
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That article is fascinating.
I still think who you sleep with has little to do with whether you have respect for the land and others. I want to think that people are basically good. Some people tell me I am naive in that way, but I think we mirror each other, really. I think it's wonderful that people have found a place that is so magical and life-giving and they respect it for that. Gay or straight, we're all related, you can't deny it.
Articles like this which show the beauty of a lifestyle or of the Island walk a thin line I think by focusing so heavily on the gender of the residents. There's a large gay community for sure...and there's a large community of people who are not gay too. Yuk! Who cares? I can honestly say the people I have had the privilege to meet while on the Big Island were all so nice to us. They were people I want to be in my life in the future...ALL of them. (Oh yeah - So THAT'S WHY THEY CALL THEM THE BANANA BOYS! LOL!!!)
"The opportunities to reach into the lives of others in an inspiring way arise in countless ways every single day..." Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Edited by - carolann r on 07/18/2006 09:46:27
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I'm not praising the fact that the property values are climbing. It is a fact not a prophecy, it means there is elevating desire to live in a particular place what ever its merits.
Yes property tax increases are limited in California. It was voted upon and shoved down the throats of politicians. Unfortunately or perhaps fortunately depending on your point of view, business properties were included. Property tax increases are limited year to year to 2 % so in ten years property tax rises 20% for example.
This action took many years to pull off and the voting public to pay attention. Anyone know what percentage of the population of Hawaii votes? Just curious no campaigning by me, count on that! LOL Mella
mella l
mella l
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FYI - Hawaii hase the lowest level opf voter participation in the United States. Puna may have the lowest participation in Hawaii (not completely sure on that).
Assume the best and ask questions.
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I sense change in the wind...
"The opportunities to reach into the lives of others in an inspiring way arise in countless ways every single day..." Dr. Wayne W. Dyer