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Darn, I hate it when you’re right Mermaid.
The people who don’t attend Meetings have no idea how bad this is.
I think I’m gonna be sick.
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I think the majority of the HPP Board was tired of the obstructionism and stopping of all prigrams over trivial matters. Hopefully we can go forward again.
Note how mermaid and her cohorts are against EVERYTHING. Even free mailboxes. We are going to do nothing with the 2 or 4 acres out of 60, that would be used as the mailbox kiosks. Yet they oppose it just to oppose. This cult is very harmful to HPP. Support the current board!
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As a casual observer with no dog in this race I would say that Makona84 has just bolstered Mermaid's credibility 10-fold.
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I know the Mermaid somewhat and have never seen anything stain her integrity.
Sounds like it's time for the membership to dissolve the Board for corruption at the next General Membership Meeting.
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Thanks for your correction caveat on who voted which way bc that's just as important for everyone to know how their representatives are voting on important issues.
I did not attend but I was given an audio and video recording of the 9 Feb 2018 Special Board meeting..
Here's some information from that recording:
Dist 9 rep D Roe, had concerns and asked the board to investigate the office staff who are acting improperly. He sd if there are any directors in attendance that are complicit to this, he wants the board to investigate. He sd he wants disciplinary action taken towards any director who is complicit and actively promoting rejecting members for legitimate requests for information. He asked the board investigate individual ofc staff and take disciplinary action. **At this point, Dist 3 rep C Crelly, objects and calls a point of order that this wasn't on the agenda and therefore can't make a motion. D Roe replied it wasn't a motion, he was just calling it. (Here's the conflict of interest rearing it's ugly head...he's objecting and trying to shut down what D Roe was saying, perhaps bc his wife is part of the ofc staff D Roe wants investigated? At minimum C Crelly should have left the room during the discussion IMO. Here's a classic example of why his being a board member and his wife an ofc employee is a problem)
Dist 6 rep P Murdoch changed the topic completely and went into discussing an example of why the deposing of Dist 5 and Dist 7 reps were legitimate. That they didn't stay for the meeting to accept the Bond broker, even though there was no recording secretary present. (this meeting was deemed illegal bc there was no recording secretary)
The topic went back w/D Roe saying the ofc is blocking legitimate requests the treasurer has made for more information, when the treasurer should have access to it. That at the last meeting on the 29th of Jan, P Murdoch's response was "simply targeted to block the treasurer's request bc the ofc staff felt she might share it w/others that shouldn't see it." (like the Finance Committee? And as usual the ofc staff is overstepping their boundaries)
Moving on... P Murdoch stated the president L Laucik, had no authority to ask for copies of bank statements without board approval. (she was assisting in getting the FC what they're entitled to since there was obstruction going on for months by the previous treasurer Dist 8 rep, GM and staff. AND P Murdoch is simply clueless regarding the powers of a board president)
P Murdoch said it's basically about lack of confidence. D Roe said he didn't believe L Blyth actively tried to sabotage the Bond. She just tried to make sure all the information was at hand before the decision was made. (The board and GM weren't providing the FC up to date info about the new Bond so D Roe, L Blyth and L Laucik made sure they forwarded info to the FC to keep them in the loop about the proposed new Bond. Logically this raised a cloud of suspicion over their lack of transparency w/the FC.)
Dist 4 rep J Oskins didn't understand why people want to get rid of the GM. He sd the road crew does a damn good job, especially "today when they filled up the water puddles on my mailbox...I got to give them a raise for that". His opinion was to move forward w/new leadership. Dist 1 rep L Kaauahua agreed.
I'll put their discussion about mailboxes on the HPP mailbox thread.
More later on the rest of the meeting.
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Originally posted by Makona84:
Note how mermaid and her cohorts are against EVERYTHING. Even free mailboxes. We are going to do nothing with the 2 or 4 acres out of 60, that would be used as the mailbox kiosks. Yet they oppose it just to oppose. This cult is very harmful to HPP. Support the current board!
Mailboxes aren't FREE. Whomever told you that was misinformed or purposely misleading you and yours. I will post on the HPP Mailbox thread.
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Originally posted by Old Croc
I know the Mermaid somewhat and have never seen anything stain her integrity.
Sounds like it's time for the membership to dissolve the Board for corruption at the next General Membership Meeting.
Ditto Old Croc. It's way overdue.
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Unless the board voted in new officers at their special board meeting, then the two deposed officers are still officers. From what was confirmed by 2 attendees at the last meeting, they didn't vote in new officers to replace them, so......
Article IX Officers Sec 1 (b) Terms. The officers shall be elected by the directors following the membership meeting at which the district election results are announced. The officer terms are for one year and commence after the meeting at which they are installed and after signing a "Statement of Officer", Appendix D. Officers serve until their successors are installed......"
Which translates into L Laucik is still the board President and L Blyth is still the board Treasurer.
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Correction, (a), not (b):
Article IX Officers Sec 1 (a) Terms. The officers shall be elected by the directors following the membership meeting at which the district election results are announced. The officer terms are for one year and commence after the meeting at which they are installed and after signing a "Statement of Officer", Appendix D. Officers serve until their successors are installed......"
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Irony, again/yet/still: quoting "the rules" by chapter and verse is useless when dealing with people who can't/won't abide by these same rules.
It's almost exactly like (that tired old) "developer will pave roads before final subdivision plat approval", rule was on the books at the time, County simply ignored it...