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My post was directed to Obie who’s post was deleted.
Just want to avoid any confusion.
Puna: Our roosters crow first
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Deleted it .
It was infighting on your board.
I can't believe that people are complaining about interest charges in the few thousands of dollars when you will be saving over a million.
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I saw Obie's odd comments too before he said it was an internal dispute and deleted them.
FYI -- looks like we need another Treasurer according to District 9 Rep. on facebook:
Just so everyone knows: I was notified today through the HPPOA office that Jack Oskins, the "current" Treasurer, resigned today. Just for those keeping score: The District 8 Treasurer was voted out unanimously in the January 2018 BOD meeting. The next Treasurer, the District 7 representative, was voted in at that meeting.
For the next three weeks, a faction of the BOD (who voted for the District 7 rep as Treasurer), spent that time arranging a meeting to oust her, and because of bylaws missteps, finally ousted her, and voted Mr. Oskins (with his compliance) in during the February 21 BOD meeting. He resigned barely a week later!
I don't doubt that being the HPPOA Treasurer is a demanding job. I do question us having to cycle through three Treasurers in less than a month, and have to select a FOURTH Treasurer within a month.
David Roe District 9
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Thanks for posting this Eric1600...
To add to Dist9 Dave Roe's post, it will be very interesting to see who they appoint as Treasurer. They have one vacant seat on the board w/Dist5 L Laucik's resignation and I have a premonition who they plan to put into that seat....and he has zero qualifications or leadership skills to be the Treasurer. I believe they will be looking for a puppet AGAIN, to put in as the treasurer, to obstruct the membership's finance oversight. That will be the only qualifications required.
Dist7 L Blyth would not be a puppet, nor an obstructionist of transparency of the members' finances, which is why they deposed her from the Treasurer's seat. Ms Blyth, thank you for not giving into their will like so many do.
The pool of directors left today to appoint as Treasurer? And it's not good... Dist1 L Kawaauhu and Dist8 Chris Anderson (who the FC requested the board remove not long ago who also had zero qualifications or leadership skills)....that's it folks.
I think there may have to be some major musical chair maneuvers for the officer seats to fix their mess. The VP seat is the most dispensable and cruise job on the board which R Mizuba Dist2 has occupied for 2 years.
Let's see who they appoint for that vacant seat at the next board meeting. They are accepting applications right now for the Dist5 seat. Anyone from any district can apply for the vacancy (must be current w/your road fees...deadline's 1 April) That seat will be for the remainder of this term...Mar 2018 to June 2018.
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What a joke this Association is!
We had a perfectly good Treasurer in L. Blyth so naturally they deposed her. Who would want a qualified Treasurer with business, tax, Law experience like her?
Certainly not the Majority BOD.
On with the Circus...
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I'd like to see how transparent this board will be with the AggreBind polymer they are planning to install on test roads. This product was approved at the Jan board meeting. There was another product that was going to be researched by the Finance Committee, BUT the board bypassed that altogether. There has been no discussion w/the Finance Committee yet on what the terms and conditions are for the AggreBind "test" roads. The last I heard it would be $50,000-55,000 per mile. An expert said that is not inclusive of all costs per mile when all is said and done. Sounds like similar prices per chip seal mile, before adding in other costs.
From what I could barely hear from the GM's report, it'll be a 5 day training period.
According to the AggreBind website (a mainland company), training would be by a AggreBind staff member or contracted to an independent AggreBind trained engineer. Travel would be paid by the dealer/distributor, OR their client. Cost of airfare would be credited against the next order for a full container. They need a strong and highly committed Distributor.
Our engineer (we don't have one) will need to be familiar w/road construction, soil mechanics, be comfortable working w/technicians in a laboratory (?) be able to instruct equipment operators in the field and have strong communication skills.
So who is the distributor, will WE be a distributor and who is "WE" ? Pay attention to the details in the upcoming weeks and months, that's IF they are transparent at board meetings.
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Our engineer (we don't have one) will need to be familiar w/road construction, soil mechanics, be comfortable working w/technicians in a laboratory (?) be able to instruct equipment operators in the field and have strong communication skills.
With HB2570, County will provide all of that. For a fee.
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Former district representative Bruce D. is perfect for the job.
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Normally I don't like to post things I just received from people, but in this case I won't mull over it.
This is what honest, hard working board directors have to endure when dealing with the majority HPPOA board of directors who are too often of late, the dregs of the earth.
This is an example of the constant barrage of filth from some of those directors.
Below is an email sent to Lori Laucik, the now ex-director from district 5, sent by the now ex-treasurer and current shameful director from district 8, Chris Anderson.
The asterisks are supplied by me.
Chris Anderson “Why is this bitch still on this thread. Thought she resigned. F**k off lori.”
This is Lori’s response, although some of it a bit rhetorical because as we all know, the board will ignore this.
“As a member of HPPOA I am very upset to have received the above email from District 8 Director Chris Anderson. I was originally emailed on this thread by Vice President Ruth Mizuba and Chris responded. It is not my fault that Chris continued to use this thread.
In an earlier email on this same thread Chris used the same kind of inappropriate language referring to District 9 Director Dave Roe. With these emails as well as other examples that have been brought to the boards attention this board should vote to initiate recall proceedings against Chris Anderson District 8. There is no place in this Association for the kind of behavior Chris Anderson continues to display towards the members and his fellow board members.
I hope that the board takes this serious and shows the membership that there are consequences for this behavior and doesn't continue to ignore the behavior as they have done in the past.
I look forward to hearing back from the board on this very serious matter.
Lori Laucik, District 5”
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People who live in Dist 8 can also start a recall on their director if the board won't. As of today, this rep has 2 yrs and 4 months left as a board director.
Article VIII Board of Directors Sec 7 Removal. "Any officer, director, or agent elected or appointed may be removed by the persons authorized to elect or appoint the officer, director, or agent with or without cause. The removal of a director shall be without prejudice to the contract rights, if any, of the director so removed. Election or appointment of a director shall not of itself create contract rights.
(a) A recall election for a director may be called by two-thirds majority vote of the board, or by a petition of not fewer than 200 signatures of members from the director's District.
(b) The mail-in recall ballot may contain two statements of 200 words or fewer, one stating the case for removal of the director and the other to be submitted by the director being challenged.
© The director shall be removed on a two-thirds majority of the valid ballots returned."
Ref (a) above.... At the membership meeting, one of the proposed bylaw amendments by the Bylaw Committee and that the membership voted for...90 something votes by YOU, which will be on a ballot mailed to YOU in the near future, proposed that number changes from 200 signatures to 100. This will make the removal process simpler for members. So when you see it on the ballot, please vote YES.
I and other members initiated a recall petition process on Dist5 rep J Maynard. From first hand experience, 100 signatures is fair to members and board directors. The petition would only prompt a ballot recall process, not remove the director. Members can assist other members in obtaining signatures for the petition if they wish BUT they can't sign the petition if they don't own in that district. We had members from outside Dist5 assist in obtaining Dist5 petition signatures.
One more thing in getting signatures for a recall petition....all owners on the deed each count only as 1 signature on the petition. Each person only gets 1 petition signature even though they may own multiple lots.
On the recall ballot, 1 vote per lot. 3 lots = 3 votes.