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Increased land sales and development
Is it just me...or have land sales and building in Puna and HPP in particular increased dramatically in the last couple of years? I live on a dead end street in lower HPP. And for the last 25 years...our street had just a few homes. Maybe a new home built every 4 or 5 years. In the last 24 months..."10" new homes have, or are in the process of, being built. And the lots that are still vacant now have for sale signs on them. Paradise is starting to look a lot like suburbia!
Paradise is starting to look a lot like suburbia!

Complete with oppressive regulation and taxation...
The long dreaded "full build-out" of HPP is seeming more inevitable than ever. My road in the central section has had more new homes go up in the last two years than the previous ten. That road, not coincidentally, is in worse shape than it has been in the 15 years I have owned my home. This influx of new development is despite a well known situation of deteriorating roads and a homeowner's association regime that makes the Trump administration look like a paragon of administrative tranquility. One new neighbor claimed not to know that the roads are "private" although he did recall being told at the closing that he had to pay dues. Due diligence, anyone?
a homeowner's association regime that makes the Trump administration look like a paragon of administrative tranquility

Most unfortunate; I had naive hopes that HPP (due to its "massive build-out" and higher valuation relative to the other subdivisions) would force the issues with County.
Originally posted by kalakoa

Paradise is starting to look a lot like suburbia!

Complete with oppressive regulation and taxation...
Would you care to elaborate? How are you oppressed?
Just go back and read all of KKs old posts - plenty oppression!
How are you oppressed?

County is trying to retrofit "residential norms" onto subdivisions that were (supposedly) intended for agriculture.

If these lots are really supposed to be "residential", great, upzone everything so the current residents have the option to cash out and move further away.

Of course, that creates far too much unregulated wealth. Better if we just raise taxes every year until people are priced out of their dreams.
Your observations about the rapid increase of people moving into HPP is spot on - and is true for many of the other Puna subdivisions as well. ( I say this while listening to the sounds of a bulldozer putting in a new driveway a little way down the street, and the hammering of a nail gun in the distance. No peace and quiet, even on a Sunday. )

Due diligence is not being practiced by many ( if not most ) of the new arrivals. One couple I spoke to several weeks ago said their real estate agent convinced them to purchase in Orchidland by telling them that it was the ' affordable version of HPP '. They were totally unaware of the ongoing lawsuit and its possible repercussions, and thought their side road would be paved ' really soon '. They were unaware of the lack of mail delivery to their lot ( ! ). They seemed to be very nice, but somewhere between innocent and clueless.

I know many here on this site speak of suing the County about the road situations. I personally am not for this option, as I think the resulting taxes would price me out of my home. I still fantasize about suing the real estate agents that are not as accurate as they could / should be when dealing with people new to Puna.
"real estate agents that are not as accurate as they could / should be"

That's part of their job description; it's a requirement.

I don't think people can really complain about more people moving to their neighborhood, something they once did themselves!
If it becomes too much then property prices will go up and you can sell up and go somewhere cheaper. Still plenty of that.
Soooooo many Southern Californians recently. Amazingly 85% of the new residents I have met lately have been from LA or SD or somewhere inbetween.

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