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Anti TMT Propaganda and SB3090 - social media war
A new video is making the rounds on facebook with over 110,000 views and 2000+ shares to try to restart a battle over SB3090 the new Authority to manage MK. The video full of half-truths designed to get an emotional response.

You can see the youtube version here:

The facebook version is getting a LOT of attention (I think this link should work: But some people are debunking it.

Joel Kelley[ex-park ranger] We should be clear, much of the trash problem noted in the video was trash left by winter recreation visitors, most locals, who even today leave all sorts of rubbish after snowy days, apparently thinking it will miraculously melt with the snow. Spring is always a time of cleanup for Mauna Kea rangers after a few months of rubbish left by sledders, snowball throwers, and snow boarders. Broken surf boards, boogie boards, restaurant bus tubs, washing machine lids, mittens, hats, gloves socks, even underwear are all things removed from the mountain after snow melts. This does not include the bags and bags of McDonald's, Subway, Jack in the box,drink bottles, empty beer bottles cigarette butts, used toilet paper, (when luas are available,) and other miscellaneous rubbish. This is certainly not the work of astronomers.

It is certainly true that UH has not fulfilled their obligations as fully as might be needed, however public pressure from all fronts as left the office of Mauna Kea Management hamstrung, as well as leaving them with no enforcement authority for the rules they are charged with creating.

I want to present the facts here to counter that video. I have no connection to astronomy or observatories, but science is important to me and so are the facts. I've personally researched these issues years ago when these claims were made, so here's the data:

TMT Oil Leaks – During the construction phase the protesters blocked construction maintenance crews from servicing the heavy equipment, so there was some oil seepage however this was due to circumstances beyond the control of the contractors. It is a high priority to prevent any damage to the land in such a way that it can not be restored.

Mercury Leak – TMT officials are doing what they can to mitigate potential chemical spills, in part by avoiding the most dangerous chemicals. For instance, unlike other observatories in the past, the TMT will not use mercury.
Telescopes have not had any mercury leaks since 1995 due to additional vigilance.
CFHT – had 1 leak in 1990 consisting of 250ml (18 tablespoons) but was contained in the facility and cleaned up. Nothing reached the soil.
KECK – 3 spills in 1995 totaling 115 ml (8 tablespoons) which were also contained and cleaned up. Nothing reached the soil.

Propylene Glycol – used in cooling and is mostly non-toxic unless injected. In 2004 Keck had 20-30 gallons spilled, 13-20 gallons escaped facility. Spill response team isolated effected cinders outside and followed OMKM's instructions on how to handle the cinder.

Poison Watershed – TMT is a ZERO waste facility nothing will seep into the ground. Double-walled septic tank will collect all the water, wastewater and chemicals used so they can be trucked off the mountain.
In addition a majority of the rainfall occurs at a level lower than the summit which is where the watershed receives most of it's rain.

Sewage – Less than 10 gallons spilt – small scale problem on Maunakea compared to over 17,000 cesspools in Hawaii seeping 55 million gallons of sewage a day. (
1998 Subaru had a problem with its tank installation that caused a leak of 2 gallons due to a freezing event.
1998-2004 Caltech Submillimeter Observatory had 5 accidental small overflows resulting in 3-4 gallons total spilt.

WEKIU BUG – TMT's site has been carefully chosen to insure the wekiu bug does not live and will not be disturbed.

SILVERSWORD – There are no currently listed threatened or endangered species known to occur in the Astronomy Precinct. The Mauna Kea silversword (Argyroxiphium sandwicense), an endangered species, is known to occur at lower elevations and will not be impacted.

Management Progress:
There has been a history of problems with protecting the land, primary from public abuse, often caused by tourists who don't understand the importance of Maunakea.
Follow-up audits in 2005[1] and 2014[2] concluded that management had improved since the university established the Office of Mauna Kea Management in 2000. The office finally surveyed the mountain’s historic sites and started studying invasive species, erosion and climate change. A rangers’ program helps ensure the mountain remains clean by picking up litter and educating tourists.
TMT is operating under this new paradigm of land use management that’s much more respectful toward Hawaiian culture and the environment.

I am a scientist but have no connection to astronomy past it being a part of my culture. To date the county and state government have been a continual disappointment, but this last bill passed by the senate and house has to be the single most upsetting occurrence. I am almost left speechless at the lack of respect for public safety input and the lack of a plan. I can only tell myself - "what else were you expecting". These are sad times.
Thanks for the link. The video does indeed contain questionable assertions and considerable exaggeration. But it is rather well put together. An effective propaganda piece.

The rocks in the road--are those from the employee who dismantled a shrine or from the protestors? If the former, it means they elected to use that shot but not the giant rock debris field the protestors created on the road.
Thanks Eric1600.
I can imagine how that 6 minute video looks to someone who has no background knowledge about Mauna Kea and the observatories. Having followed events on the mountain for decades, it's easy to see how almost every snippet posted throughout the video is far removed from the context in which it took place, or without detail of the event they mention (8 tablespoons of mercury), or exaggerated numbers (student body which represents 14,000 students, yes, but how many on the board voted?).

It is emotional. Unfortunately the filmmakers position it and pose it as documentary more than what it really is, a political advertisement.

"We should have a new force called the Space Force. It’s like the Army and the Navy, but for space." - President Donald J. Trump, while addressing the Marines
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Read the first two paragraphs of this link and tell me you think the mountain should even be named after Wakea any more:

#metoo Ho’ohokukalani?

the mountain should even be named after Wakea any more:

It does sound socially unexceptable in this day and age. But when you consider Christianity and Judaism started with a man who met a woman made from his own rib & DNA, and they bore two sons from that identical DNA... and we're supposed to be descended from that source, like so many amoeba, but with original sin...
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

Moral of the story: religion is full of outdated disgusting beliefs and lies. Yet even in this day and age of science and information, the mentally feeble are still influenced by it.

Pretty much..My feelings also.

Okay Google... Who are these people and why ain't they working?
The effort to make a new religion out of Mauna Kea is along those lines too. Turning the occupying state or UH or astronomy into the villians. These viral video hit pieces full of half-truths and misleading information bring in a lot of donations and "protectors" who are clueless.

Unfortunately the video is still trending with very little understanding of what the real picture is.

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