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School Walkouts
The long term future is probably this: We either control guns or we control people.

The latter prospect is scary 50 years out: would mean something like every person has a computer chip implanted in them with brain monitoring that registers undue stress or instability or hateful feelings.

A troublesome signal would mean the thought police come and take that person into custody for evaluation. To assess whether they might commit a heinous act with the rapid fire guns that will be readily available everywhere in this society.

I don't think most people want to go anywhere near this future.

Far easier to control weapons than to try to predict and control the behavior of each one of the 350-400 million people we will have in the U.S.
How does it feel to be a slave to the gun industry? First they flood society with guns then when the inevitable shootings happen they offer an entirely predictable solution: more guns. Which happens to equal more profit for them.

You're being played for fools.

One very easy way to achieve less gun deaths: Less guns. It's not hard to comprehend.

"Let's keep politics out of schools". No, let's not. They're supposed to be learning this stuff.
These student protests are a glimmer of hope in a dystopian landscape.

Someone told me today that there are plenty of AR-15s in Hawaii. Maybe some of the resident gun nuts, sorry enthusiasts, can educate me on the truth of this statement.
The problem isn't that some kid can get access to a gun. Gun access has always been easy.
It is that kids are treating other kids like dirt. Those are the kids that then go ballistic and do something stupid. Do we ban kids?
The problem isn't that some kid can get access to a gun.

Yes it is. Look at any other country in the world where kids don't have access to guns. Mass murders are not a regular, ongoing problem.

Well the peer pressure is THERE and REAL Rob ( IMO )

What about peer pressure experienced by viewers of TV or websites which falsely put "News" in their name, when most of what they report is biased opinion? What about peer pressure by organizations or associations that spend millions of dollars on advertising, and even more on lobbyists and campaign donations for politicians willing to implement their agenda? Politicians who act as somewhat willing pawns because they're bullied with threats that "donations" will be withheld, or worse yet, given to someone who might take their job if they don't obey every command? Talk about peer pressure. Peer pressure with massive amounts of cash. Is that something we should be worried about?

Question: I don't have a child attending an East Hawaii school, but have heard that most schools now hold active shooter drills with designated safe spaces where students can hide in an emergency. Does anyone know how often this takes place, or how extensive these plans are? Do you know how frequently kids are reminded a school shooting might take place, with their teachers and administrators giving every indication it's a real possibility at their school, at anytime? How often do you think East Hawaii kids think about this since it's now become a part of regular school attendance? Is this what we want as a society, and what we should accept as a society? Our kids growing up daily in well-regulated fear? Acting the part of well-regulated victims?

I said, ‘Wrong, Justin (Trudeau), you do.’ I didn’t even know. ... I had no idea. I just said, ‘You’re wrong.’ - President Donald J. Trump, 3/14/18
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
I think I forgot to hit submit yesterday from Rob's,

"Well, ultimately it won't be you or I that solve this riddle. It will be these kids.
I hope we don't lose any more of them to this casual violence."

Like from these bright and shining geniuses.
[Link deleted by moderator]

"I don't have a child attending an East Hawaii school"

That is blatantly obvious in every one of your posts on this thread.

Hit submit too soon.

"What about peer pressure experienced by viewers of TV or websites which falsely put "News" in their name, when most of what they report is biased opinion? What about peer pressure by organizations or associations that spend millions of dollars on advertising, and even more on lobbyists and campaign donations for politicians willing to implement their agenda? Politicians who act as somewhat willing pawns because they're bullied with threats that "donations" will be withheld, or worse yet, given to someone who might take their job if they don't obey every command? Talk about peer pressure. Peer pressure with massive amounts of cash. Is that something we should be worried about?"

Umm.. What about it ? Elementary and Middle school keiki not watchin' it. Comes down to parenting and making good choices right ?

"I don't have a child attending an East Hawaii school"
That is blatantly obvious in every one of your posts on this thread.
With zero pre-announcment to parents...
students at our school asked admin and planned for weeks.

It seems some parents with children in East Hawaii schools don't necessarily know more about the situation than anyone else.

I said, ‘Wrong, Justin (Trudeau), you do.’ I didn’t even know. ... I had no idea. I just said, ‘You’re wrong.’ - President Donald J. Trump, 3/14/18
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Turn off your TV and try harder.
Originally posted by PaulW

Someone told me today that there are plenty of AR-15s in Hawaii. Maybe some of the resident gun nuts, sorry enthusiasts, can educate me on the truth of this statement.

Thousands of them. When I go to the shooting range in Manuka, there is always some version of a M-16, M-4, ARs, AKs, etc. Young, old, male, female, local, transplant, etc. Don't fear the weapon Paul, it's just a tool. With Hawaii's very stringent background check (a good thing), and the Hunter Education requirement, these tools are in safe hands.
Originally posted by HereOnThePrimalEdge

I don't have a child attending an East Hawaii school, but have heard that most schools now hold active shooter drills with designated safe spaces where students can hide in an emergency. Does anyone know how often this takes place, or how extensive these plans are?

On a tactical note - if your school is doing Active Shooter drills, then EVERY child knows where your 'safe zones' are, where the 'rally point' will be. If and when a student decides to turn shooter, then he will know everything he needs to counteract the schools plan.
If and when a student decides to turn shooter,

So if schools were to hire armed guards, or police, or designate teachers as trained defenders with guns, then a student turned shooter would also know who and where they are, and most likely plan to take them out first?

I said, ‘Wrong, Justin (Trudeau), you do.’ I didn’t even know. ... I had no idea. I just said, ‘You’re wrong.’ - President Donald J. Trump, 3/14/18
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

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