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It's so hot that.....

It was actually quite warm in Volcano for a couple of days. It was about 80! I think that was the day Pam started the thread.

Now its back to a more normal 70ish with light rain. Ahhh...paradise. Smile


It's been hot and muggy down here in Kapoho.

John - ask D.Bona about his asian martinis sometime! Yum!

Pam - put the rum in the freezer, cubes will last a little longer (not much though)

and lastly, Robin - I am heading up volcano way to get outta the heat! Is that ice cream place still there by the store?
Hi, Kapohocat.

Volcano has/had an ice cream place??
I had no idea.

If you are talking about the little lunch take out place by the upper store, I think it's closed.

Enjoy your day up here. It should give you some relief from the Kapoho heat. It is usually 12 degrees cooler.


#14 hit 117 degrees today...MAN!


"The opportunities to reach into the lives of others in an inspiring way arise in countless ways every single day..." Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2
How do you handle the high humidty in Puna? It is 99 in Portland, Oregon today, and humidty of 50%. It is quite rare, that it is so hot with such humidity here, and it is miserable. Is the humidity in Puna, cosistently higher than 50%.

Always do what evers next.
Humidity index is high here, but most of the time it doesn't feel humid at all. Usually the trade winds and squalls keep things cool and pleasant. This is, to me, the most comfortable kind of weather. You want real humidity? Try Japan in July and August.


A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
Well here in No California at 12:04 PM high noon 103* 26% humidity = fells like 105. We are headed to 111 today and tomorrow, 109, 105, and 106 for the week. we love our local weather liars! LOL Lets hope they're wrong on this one or PG&Extortion, I mean PG&Enron. No it's PG&Electric will fold up shop, or make record gains again this quarter. We lived thru the 2001 blackouts here pretty scary stuff, lost a governor over it and perhaps the new guy will do better. LOL Sorry I will go sit next to the swamp cooler now and cool down!

mella l
mella l
Art and Science

Are you thinking of moving there or just to visit? Have you been there before?

It is a big switch moving from Portland to Hawaii! I grew up in Lebanon! Then moved from Seattle to Oahu, Hawaii, so the change was hard on me, what is also hard is going back to one of those states in the winter time, I step off the plane and my face/lips cracks. The humidity is so good for the skin, which makes up a pretty big part of the body, so it really helps it along. Then there is the water sports that are good for the body and that salt water really cleans out the sinus' among other things! Plus the fact that Hawaii is *easygoing* and the folks tend to live the longest there, must be some sound reasons behind health, happiness and longevity. Of course there are individuals who have the wrong sceem in their lives for whatever reasons and don't live as long there, because they are stressed out, angry or inherited diseases and so on.

You do get used to it and the body adapts, but is takes some time. In Honolulu when there was no wind in the penthouse on the 28th floor that would usually catch all the breezes for being so high up and with no A/C which is usual for there, I would go to the pool or just fill the tub with cool water and jump in about three times a day and then shower off at night. Plus I was never one to wear so many clothes so that helped to cool me too! you know now they have those neck wraps/ties that they fill with the polomers that swell and hold lots of water and stay cold for hours, so you wear those around your neck after soaking in water and sticking in the freezer and it feels great. I even use those blue gel packs for that here sometimes or for my head and they are just wonderful. Maybe you and I should go into business and make body packs for the folks who come over from The PNW so they can survive it. The humidity is nothing like what it is on the east coast though. When we lived there is twas much worse, couple that with the terrible pollution, groucy folks and freeways clogged with ill tempered drivers, it was nice to leave after enjoying all the uniqness that the area had to offer. Wash. DC and surrounding areas are certainly a nice place to visit but I do not want to live there again. I am in San Antonio now and the folks are as nice as the folks in Hawaii, but I still long for the spiritualness and closeness to nature and the peoples of the islands once again.

You can also check out besides the good site that Mella posted for more weather comparisons. Just think if you can;t stand the heat there is always living in Volcano, you'd feel right at home!


Having another Great day in Paradise, Wherever that Maybe!

Having another Great day in Paradise, Wherever that Maybe!

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