03-21-2018, 04:21 PM
Since this discussion is regularly touching on the AR-15, I am posting another N.Y. Times article, relating to the difference in bullet impacts. Several posters argued that since a rapidly firing handgun can send out almost as many bullets as an AR-15, concerns about the rifle are misplaced. Excerpts:
Warning: Gruesome Text
"Perhaps no one knows the devastating wounds inflicted by assault-style rifles better than the trauma surgeons who struggle to repair them.
(Dr. Cannon
What makes injuries from these rifles so deadly, he said, is that the bullets travel so fast. Those from an M16 or AR-15 can depart the muzzle at a velocity of more than 3,000 feet per second, while bullets from many common handguns move at less than half or a third that speed...
The AR-15...shoots lightweight, high-speed bullets that can cause grievous bone and soft tissue wounds, in part by turning sideways, or “yawing,” when they hit a person.
Dr. Kerby will never forget the first victim of a high velocity bullet wound he treated...There was just a tiny hole where the bullet went in. Then he looked where the bullet had exited. The man’s inner thigh, he said, “was completely blown out...."
The tissue destruction is almost unimaginable. Bones are exploded, soft tissue is absolutely destroyed. The injuries to the chest or abdomen — it’s like a bomb went off....You will see multiple organs shattered. The exit wounds can be a foot wide....
(People who survive) can need a dozen surgeries over months..."
Warning: Gruesome Text
"Perhaps no one knows the devastating wounds inflicted by assault-style rifles better than the trauma surgeons who struggle to repair them.
(Dr. Cannon

The AR-15...shoots lightweight, high-speed bullets that can cause grievous bone and soft tissue wounds, in part by turning sideways, or “yawing,” when they hit a person.
Dr. Kerby will never forget the first victim of a high velocity bullet wound he treated...There was just a tiny hole where the bullet went in. Then he looked where the bullet had exited. The man’s inner thigh, he said, “was completely blown out...."
The tissue destruction is almost unimaginable. Bones are exploded, soft tissue is absolutely destroyed. The injuries to the chest or abdomen — it’s like a bomb went off....You will see multiple organs shattered. The exit wounds can be a foot wide....
(People who survive) can need a dozen surgeries over months..."