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Feral chicken eradication ...@$108.00 each
"Maybe it would have the added benefit of getting the roosters to sleep in late."

That. I'd take a few if they would teach the neighbor roosters not to start talkin trash at 4:30 in the morning. Usually 4:30 to the second every morning.
"It is perspective. And the perspective in Honolulu is that they want to get rid of the chickens."

I agree, it's all about the pecking order.
pecking order.....I cry foul.....relocating these feral chickens to homeless camps.....offer a bounty for drumsticks. Humor abounds.

Maybe this story will go national and Honolulu will be ridiculed for its $108 chickens. That will be humorous too.
"Maybe this story will go national and Honolulu will be ridiculed for its $108 chickens."

The Chicken Skin Scandal.
Those are some smart chickens, running from city land to private.

I bet they'd drink some anti freeze if you set it out for them though.

Side benefit, you'd get rid of some dogs, cats and snails too.
Mass chicken flying contests from the roof of the State House.
Store the birds in the Legislative chambers and the various offices
including the Governor's and LG's.
Given the chicken**** there already, no one will notice.
It shouldn't take more than a simple letter to the state, asking permission to clear the chickens from state land too.
Last I checked chickens were not high up on the ladder when it comes to smarts ... relatively easy to trap ....

as kids we made these kinds of traps using a cardboard box
chickens were not high up on the ladder when it comes to smarts

Smarter than the guy who requires $108 bucks of effort to catch a chicken, when grade school kids can manage with a slightly used cardboard box.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Great trap, thanks Bullwinkle.

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