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Things You Shipped...
When you moved here, did you ship household items like cleaning supplies? How about camping equipment? We have a Coleman stove - we will ship that but are not sure about the little propane bottles...probably don't wanna do that...

We're gonna need to do a thorough cleaning of our home when we get there - house is being tented next week and need to clean dead bugs, etc. That's why I ask about cleaning stuff...already have so much but I'll leave it behind if need be and buy new when we get there.


"The opportunities to reach into the lives of others in an inspiring way arise in countless ways every single day..." Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2
Walmart is here and cheap. It is NOT worth shipping much of anything like cleaning supplies etc...

We did bring good quality camping gear with us. Propane is available here in abundance so again, don't try to ship.

Yard sale Yard sale... get rid of everything you can! We brought tons of stuff we just got rid of. Starting over is fun....only bring those things you are totally attached to in your heart... the less the better!

Just my simple opinion.


Just another day in P A R A D I S E !!
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"

I believe the shipping or moving companies have a booklet indicating what is allowed. Aerosol containers and flammables are out, as are corrosive chemicals.Camping gear is great (you will want it here when the power is out) but propane bottles are not allowed. We moved our cleaning supplies and had them sealed in Rubbermaid containers. Even though we sold or gave away an awful lot of our stuff, we still found that there was a lot that we moved that we didn't need and don't have room for. I think that is pretty typical. Hope this helps.


Thanks Pam and Bill. As far as a yard sale - Lord! Last Fall I had a yardsale every weekend for two months! What we didn't sell I gave to friends or charity. We have really scaled down to get out from under - including our Harleys (weep).

I have so much cleaning stuff. You're probably right about getting all that stuff on-island.

Bill - Tony told me we couldn't ship propane...I wasn't sure. We haven't set up the movers yet - we're waiting for things to be finaled on the mortgage end of the house there on the Island before I set it up. You NEVER know what could happen to slow or stop that process LOL!!


"The opportunities to reach into the lives of others in an inspiring way arise in countless ways every single day..." Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2
Hi Carrie,

We sold, discarded or gave away nearly everything that wasn't nailed down. I think our move was probably easier than most folks since we made the deliberate choice of furnishing the Hawaii home a year and a half before we got here. It would've been a lot tougher starting from scratch.

To unload our possesions we did a couple garage sales along with word-of-mouth selling to friends and family. Another option (that we didn't take) is an auction house. I've never done this personally but a friend of mine swears by them. Says the auction house does everything on consignment, and will buy just about everthing you have, all the way down to knife's and forks. He said it reaps much more $ to do it this way...just an option to consider.

I'd be lying if I said we came over here with just a couple suitcases. I have a collection of books -- my "old friends" -- and I just can't part with 'em. The bottom line: including clothes, files, records, books, etc, we ended up shipping 30 boxes. The rest we brought in our suitcases.

So far we're happy with our choices. Downsizing your life can be a liberating exerience!

Good luck and let us know if you need any help when you arrive!

Aloha Smile


A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
if you're shipping a container why not ship all your stuff that you want to keep, i did and still had plenty of room

First, we made the economic decision - cost of replacement vs cost to ship. Once we realized we couldn't afford to replace everything, then the goal was ship as much as possible for the price. As we are owner-builders, we also shipped as much building stuff as we could fit. Our old, but comfy furniture proved to be welcome and needed as the building process is taking longer than hoped.
As for the cleaning supplies, sure it's easy if just a few dollars worth, but for me, I'd as soon save the $50 plus shipping the open, but legal, stuff in our container rather than discard and buy it again. My New England frugality I guess - Smile


Ninole Resident
Ninole Resident
Hi Carrie!
When you worked for America West didn't you go through haz.mat training? Shipping a little propane bottles at 35,000 feet...ARE YOU CRAZY?!!!! That reminds me of the guy that swore up and down that he had nothing explosive in his tool box and 2 of the 4 cans of spray paint went off inside the cargo bin, nearly put a hole in the darn thing! Here's what I learned. If you don't use it all the time, don't bother sending it. We have Walmart, Kmart and Costco (albeit 100 miles away) and Macy's. I made the mistake of leaving behind all of my spices which I later regretted because it cost a small fortune to replace all of those. A friend once told me you spend half of your life collecting things and the other half getting rid of them, truer words were never spoken. I'm with the others, cleaning stuff is cheap enough here and readily available. While your at it don't bother bringing more than one or two at the most sets of dress clothes. I GAVE away $200.00+ suites which at the time kinda hurt but now I'm glad I did. Depending on your career choices you won't need pantyhose (THANK GOD!!) or more than a couple pairs of pants (might keep some warmies for those chilly 65 degree wintersSmile Other than that, bring your hubby, mom, pets and toothbrush. Looking forward to you guys getting here. PJ

Pam - we aren't shipping by air...what're you thinkin'? LOL!

You're right about the cleaning stuff...probably use up as much as a I can cleaning this place before we get on the plane LOL!

We already have many, many boxes, but not much furniture since most of that is gone. However, the house we bought is furnished and actually we'll probably be putting a couple of twin beds on Craigslist once we get there! We wanna keep it simple -- we don't want a house full of clutter - it's hard to let go of but once you get all that cleared out it's nice to have the space.


"The opportunities to reach into the lives of others in an inspiring way arise in countless ways every single day..." Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2
Aloha all,

If and when, I plan to bring all of my spices! Thanks PJ!

As for the propane bottles we have three one for the BBQ which we will ship Pasha, but the bottle will be empty and two attached to the trailer which will also be empty when we ship.

When ever I visit I seem to over pack, so I'll really get rid of clothing as I seem to wear the two or three same things each trip. Shoes, don't need no stinkin shoes!

We will bring one incomplete set of dishes, pots and pans and one set of flatware, 8 glasses, 8 coffee cups.

We will bring all tools and garden paraphernalia, no food except for kittykats, very little art collected over the years, some few favorite books (about 15 boxes LOL), all family photos and two Harley's. How much more could one desire? Oh and two telescopes, that's it!

Aloha, Mella

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mella l
Art and Science

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