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Mr Yea reminded the board and the peanut gallery that we all need to work together to help our neighbors.
Time for Shipman to step up and lead by example, then?
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Time for Shipman to step up and lead by example, then?
Good try, but the plan at this point is to use Railroad only as far as Makuu and then only if some new "emergency" need presents itself. Getting a politically charged alternate commuting route doesn't appear to be on the agenda at this time, and Shipman is less relevant in this context.
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Shipman is less relevant in this context.
No, there's still room for nice gestures, run with the momentum, solve the problem already. Especially now that Railroad passes through (or near, don't have the right maps handy) State Land Use Urban.
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Sure, there's room for nice gestures, but there won't be any in reference to an alternate route.
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This is public record from the DOH posted today that all HPP members should read. It's an agreement between the DOH and HPP regarding the fine we received March 2017 for fugitive dust complaints. HPP members can make comments to the DOH if they wish and they will be considered by the DOH before all is finalized. HPP attorney Thomas Yeh had advised the board that they should put the membership in the loop but they did not. Please pay attention to the enforcement...if the GM doesn't keep up his end of the bargain etc. This would affect the association and this is why the membership should've been made aware of this
by the majority board, NOT ME.
Please also keep in mind that HPP stayed out of trouble w/the DOH for the most part by following guidelines that were set up prior to Jul 2014. From that point on, the majority boards did not follow the guidelines...i.e. continue to asphalt pave at least one road per year and continue with scheduled road maintenance...i.e. drop road gravel on the entire road, not spot drop filling potholes = $$$ down the toilet. The road fee money was instead diverted to chip seal so scheduled road maintenance of dropping road gravel came to a screeching halt = widespread road neglect = our very first fugitive dust violation attached with a fine in Mar 2017. Scheduled dropping of road gravel on our roads is not being done still as evidenced by the potholes replaced by craters on our roads today.
At this point in time, we pretty much have the same president (Crelly) and VP (Mizuba Dist2) in charge that were officers over the past 3 yrs and huge supporters of chip seal. Now we see failing chip seal on our roads that came at a heavy price tag. That's not counting it's removal price tag when it's time. There was supposed to be a Phase 2 and fortunately new board members that came on in Jul 2017 wouldn't approve signing a contract for the next phase. A couple months after that when the Finance Committee was finally able to see the existing contract after a few yrs of non transparency, they advised the board to sever the contract as it was an illegal contract...the GM signed it, the contractor had no license and there was no Work Comp insurance.
The board power flipped when Craig Crelly got back on the board and the Finance Committee and the Association is back in the dark ages again. The GM is doing the budget w/out FC oversight. That's against the bylaws.
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I'm guessing it will be business as usual for the next three years.
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Reminder that there is a board meeting today, Sunday 20 May, at 3 PM. There is talk that the board will be conducting business they couldn't due to the cancelled board meeting on 16 May 2018.
If this is the case, on the agenda is Budget Review, which the Finance Committee was not involved in and this is no accident or error. It appears the budget was created by the GM and select board reps as was done last year.
Also on the agenda is "Approval of ballots and printing cost". The Nominating Committee was taken out of the equation of reviewing the ballots before they were printed up so no one knows outside of select board reps and GM what the ballots looked like before they were mailed. Printing costs were more than what was previously approved. The board stalled with the ballot process so they could vote Crelly on to the Dist 6 ballot at the April board meeting, overturning the Nominating Committee's decision to disqualify him. This resulted in a tight window to print the ballots and mail them by the deadline. So they had to add additional costs of inserting the ballots into the envelopes.
Another piece of business will be the update and status of the AggreBind Polymer road sealant.
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They would never let me go to it.
Dan D
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Democracy around the globe.
Venezuela's National Electoral Council (CNE) announced on Sunday the re-election of President Nicolas Maduro with 67.7 percent of the vote.
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin won a landslide re-election victory on Sunday, extending his rule over the world’s largest country for another six years.
HPPOA's Electoral Council announced on Sunday the re-election of President Craig Crelly and Ruth Mizuba in anticipation of ballot counting sometime in the future.