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Long story leo, during isele i was delivering water and ice fm hppoa to people without and stuck in there homes(actually saved a mom and baby by calling ambulance) I came back 4 another load and some short lady janit of janiise started screaming at me. I was flabergasted, i had spent the last 9 days helping hurricane victim.The people there said
That was normal 4 her. She had been placed in charge of relief efforts at hppoa cause shewas a board member. When i went to the next meeting with my camera to take apicture of her she ran and hid in the library there surrounded by board members. I said i just want to talk to her please. Theboard members said U WILL LEAVE NOW, THE COPS AREON THERE WAY,TO ARREST YOU FOR THREATENING ! Huh? I said. I juxt want to talk. They escorted me off the grounds. Last time i try to go to a meeting. My friend Stevo had thesame run in. U dont speak against the board period. I was going to bring a suit against her but no attorneys would take it for less than 10 grand.The jugement day will take care of her.
Aloha Dan

Dan D

dan d, I remember that and it happened just as you say. But wasn't the nasty mouthed (one of many) board member named Roseann? There was a Janice at the time, she was the treasurer but I believe I remember Roseann getting up from the table and trotting into the library to hide.
Yes it was roesean u are correct, my friend stevo was treated the same, roseane threatened me, said i was stealing the water,ice,toilet paper etc. She screamed at me from 2 feet away.
I asked the national
Guard right there what i could do and they shrugged there shoulders and said they wernt
In charge. I went to pahoa and loaded up there and continued to de.iver ice to hpp the next 2 days untill power was restored. It left a visible scar in me as I thought everyone
just wanted to help each other.Thats what I now take from hppoa.I would be very careful
To not step on there toes.

Dan D

That person you're talking about is long gone so I wouldn't worry dan d.
Originally posted by BillyB

HPPOA's Electoral Council announced on Sunday the re-election of President Craig Crelly and Ruth Mizuba in anticipation of ballot counting sometime in the future.

There's talk that if that happens there will be recalls for those districts and possibly other districts. People are fed up.

dan d you'll find things are way different now. Give it another chance.

I am so sorry you had such an awful experience here dan d. We have and do have our fair share of evil, mean spirited people here, and we are doing our best to get rid of them through the upcoming (already rigged) Election, but their grip on power is tight. Please know that the majority of people here appreciate your efforts to help In the past and future.
Thank you very much crew. I wojld still like to help my local association. I think there is room for people who care to help our hpp become one of the best in the nation.
We are truly blessed to have people like Judith Houle nhw pres, who with biisc hAs elim inated most of the bad albezias ,and working like mad to coral the little fire ants,she has been tirelessly working shifs down in pahoa as a CERT member. I applaud her ,respect her and hold her up as an example of what hppoa leadership can be

Dan D

dan d you are so right about Judy Houle...She's HPP's guardian angel.

Judy's also responsible in getting that playground in at the HPP Activity Center grounds. Funny that a dist 6 candidate running in the election right now is taking credit for that just because he was board president at the time. It was Judy Houle and a couple helpers who handled it all. The playground was discussed for many years and when Judy got involved, there was a playground installed in just a few short months. She also arranged and set up the opening party for the kids and stayed for clean up after. A couple playground committee members arrived late and left early...Judy did it all because that's the kind of woman she is.

I saw Judy at the church in Pahoa several days ago assisting evacuees as well. Where she finds the energy to do so much and do it all well....she's amazing.

dan d did you know Judy got an award for her volunteer work? I don't recall who gave her the award but she had to fly to Oahu to receive it.
Yes she did get an award at the capital with others for the same non selfish
People that they are. How she can even thrive in the vicinity of hppoa blows my mind.
Thank you for spreading the good news about Judy. She also is lucky to hve some great
People in the neighborhood watch that help her .

Dan D

You’re right Mermaid, Judy is our guardian angel. I don’t know how she always keeps her smile and her cool amidst all the antics here. She’s a treasure.


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