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Time to begin discussing Puna lava viewing site
Trees (ohia) cleared at 132 Y intersection for lava viewing site?

Governor says potential lava viewing site wouldn't have to be in Puna, maybe build it in Hilo?

I alternate between thinking of the planet as home — dear and familiar stone hearth and garden — and as a hard land of exile in which we are all sojourners. Today I favor the latter view. The word “sojourner”... invokes a nomadic people’s sense of vagrancy, a praying people’s knowledge of estrangement, a thinking people’s intuition of sharp loss: “For we are strangers before thee, and sojourners, as were all our fathers: our days on the earth are as a shadow, and there is none abiding.” - Annie Dillard
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Thanks for the good links.

"Governor says potential lava viewing site wouldn't have to be in Puna, maybe build it in Hilo?"

The capacity of the viewing site to draw tourists will have a great deal to with its proximity to the flow.

See the eruption from 5 or 6 or 10 or 15 miles away, you look at the beautiful view for a few minutes, and say great or cool. And get in your car and drive away.

Get with 1/2 or 3/4 mile of this spectacle (videos show many lucky people, mostly journalists and scientists, who got the opportunity), most people will stand mesmerized at the sight for an hour.

Tourists will come to Hawaii Island for a distant lava viewing site? Wishful thinking. Iceland shows how to do it.
Is that just stupidity by the Governor or does he just want to keep the tourists money on Oahu. Like 50,000 people are living closer to the flow than the viewing platform, yea that’s gonna draw the tourists in. That’s so anti-Puna business as to be a hate crime
just stupidity by the Governor or does he just want to keep the tourists money on Oahu


How much does ownership of the land have to do with it? I mentioned previously that if this eruption and flow had happened within the park boundaries viewing areas would have been set up quickly. But the park is all federal land. This eruption and flow is happening mostly on private property and, lava or not, those people still own their property. What kind of legal challenges does this present? Are the people who own the land where the lava is erupting and flowing entitled to royalties for any monies made on the viewing of their property? Photos sold? T-shirts with a photo image?

On the other hand, are the people who own the eruption site liable for any damage that "their" lava does downhill? I'm not really serious of course, but my point is that ownership of the land could be a huge factor, and the litigious society that we live in makes it even more complicated. HVNP doesn't have to deal with this.
I was wondering about that too. Someone, or several people "own" fissure 8.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Hey MarkD,
I will always be late on posts as I'm not on daily. Your suggestion is to start a new thread to ask you this? If so I could always PM you instead? Either is good for me.


I read something from glinda about the Volcano caldera possibly waiting to spew ash with disastrous effect. She(?) seems to really know her stuff. I swear ISome risk to viewers traveling to Puna there. Particularly if they were to stay in "safe" Volcano.

Your desire to regain lava viewing was because of income I thought? Then legal paka would increase tourist traffic.

GN was pretty mouthy when still in Cali but seemed to have mellowed when finally in HOVE. A shame if he's acting out. I'll have to find & read his latest.

If I post now we'll be on the same page even though five days later!

Using the tax map it should be easy to see who owns Fissure 8, maybe the county can send a cease and desist order.
Anyone know the exact address?
The proposed viewing site is on private property !

Put this address into the County tax website.


TMK 140010860000

The owner is a friend of mine.
Sorry JimHAPuna, not clear on your question.

- - -

I'm trying not to belabor this topic, but here is a bit more:

Ironyak posted this on another thread. As Tom noted, it is an extraordinary sight.

"Lava boat shooting the flume! "

One can see that a close view is possible. Very close. Arguably as close as heat will allow (30-40 yards?) This rivals viewing the fissure.

Where else in the world has there been anything like this in the past century: a close-up lava river view? There is almost no adjective to adequately describe this. Insane? (And this is not even night time.)

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