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Reasons to leave Hawaii
Since several people have asked me, I will start the unmentionable thread. REASONS TO LEAVE HAWAII. Now, I love it here, but there are less than ideal traits to the area too.

I'll start off with my biggest pet problem here:

really crappy public schools ( and not many decent alternatives)


We have been here for 2 1/2 years now, definately for me some of the shine is off the apple. I do Love the weather here! I do wish we had the nice sandy beaches here that Kona has and easy beach access. It sounds silly coming from a guy but I miss the better shopping and restaraunts. I do like Asian food but also like a good steak now and then.
Sleepless in Puna

The main reasons I hear why people leave are that they miss family, couldn't find work that paid well enough, or that is in their field, they found it too slow here (not enough shopping, entertainment) and they miss home. Those are the reasons they cite in any case. I do hear a lot of negative things about the schools, too. I love it here and I don't anticipate ever wanting to leave, but I don't have school- aged children and work remotely for a tech company, don't like to shop all that much, and I'm married to a local, so I'm very familiar/comfortable with the culture. I can understand why someone from Maine, or Oregon, for example, might have trouble adjusting and just want to go home to everything that is familiar and "normal" to them. Da Stef, good question. I'd like to hear more reasons why people leave Hawaii.

I am fortunate in that I am retired (don't have to find a good job) and have no children (don't have to worry about the poor schools.) The breath-taking natural beauty and nice weather are what I like most about Hawaii. I don't have any plans to leave, but I know of folks who have left (or wisely changed their mind before moving here) for the following reasons:

Poor health care options.

High cost of living. Everything from gasoline to groceries to housing costs more here than in Middle America. People from New York and California tend to complain less about the prices, though.

Haoles made to feel unwelcome. Being Haole myself I haven't found this to be true, and I think some people do not present an attitude that leads to welcoming. On the other hand, I have heard believable first-hand accounts of discrimination in employment and the public schools.

Homesickness and distance from family.

I think most of these issues can be overcome in various ways, although I honestly do not know what can be done about the health care situation except resign oneself to frequent trips to Oahu in the event of serious problems.


IMHO I think a lot of people who move here have this fantasy of living in Hawaii. When they get here they succumb to "culture shock" and are unable to adapt to change. Living here is so different than any part of the mainland. I had a neighbor once who came and left in less than a month because there were "too many bugs" here and her house "wasn't air-conditioned." Go figure. I can't imagine living anywhere else or raising my kids anywhere else.

I agree that schools here are not great but I believe in supplementing my kids' education at home, regardless of what school they go to. My oldest son just started 1st grade at Keonepoko and we've been very pleased so far.

Stef, good luck with your move. Dylan and Damon will miss your kids (and you, too!).


Edited by - Jody on 08/18/2006 23:44:27
Yes I sure understand the school thing.I have 2 kids in private school(1 more on the way) and 1 in college so there is just no money left for any quality of life,and the free stuff to do gets old very quick.

have only seen SOME family 2 times in 5 years

this is also no longer the Hawaii I moved too
as in before the crowds and coquis.
(remember when u never had to wait in line and EVERYONE smiled everywhere,oh yeah and the hot ponds were clean and yard sales were not picked clean by 7am)

So your post made me think of why I stay I guess its the weather nothing like waking up to a beautiful day almost everyday.
I do feel safer here.
Having lived in the Virgin Islands and leaving because I was bored then regretting it but not being able to go back because the cost of living there went way to high makes me afraid to leave HI besides where would I go? I can't afford any other place that has all the things I like about HI.

So good luck and blessings.
p.s.hope u made lots of equity for lots of options Smile

Just want to say "thanks Da Stef" for posting this thread. This is one of those conversations that is verboten on the other side and I think needs discussion.

Best of luck on your relocation!
Aloha, Mella

mella l

Edited by - mella l on 08/19/2006 05:20:28
mella l
Art and Science
My wife and I moved from Michigan to central Alabama about a year and half ago,
part of the plan for our move to Hawaii. Life is pretty good here, property taxes are lower than anywhere I have seen, blue skies almost everyday, it does get hot for a couple of months. The unemployment rate is low and only 3 hours from the gulf and I have to tell you we are starting to wonder.

But Hawaii keeps calling, so as of right now 9 months to go but who knows. This is a little off topic, but the reasons posted here will help in the decision process.

Aloha, Scott

I think we will be leaving Hawaii soon. Our reasons:
Price gouging
Too far from family
John hasn't found a job
Gardening sucks without soil
I am expericencing some real non aloha from our neighbors.
Like Lee said the shine sure is off the apple for us.
Scot, we are going to come explore the northern half of alabama to perhaps relocate. You really might want to reconsider or just come for an extended stay to hawaii if you can.

This is paraphrased from the Hawaiian Island Journal
I posted this on the wrong thread so I will repost it here.
People move to a place because of what it is, and generally want it to stay that way. But their very act of moving there changes it for those who came before. Each wave of immigrants brings its own values, and wants those values to stay the same, too.


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