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New Business Idea
Safety film for windows. Only one company on this side of Island. Price gouged the H#ll out of us. $250 for one side of a 3x4 slider...took 10 minutes. Maybe someone could start another one so these guys aren't the only game in town. We had to get this done to pass our final so he knew that and socked it to us. After we get our final I am going to go after them for this if there is a way. Really upsets me when someone takes adantage like that of people.

Rabi knows a bat-wielding Tongan that could probably help.


"Some people need more ketchup."- AprilD
“Sometimes the truth hurts. And sometimes it feels real good.”
- Henry Rollins

Nancy.....this same thing happened to our friends during the final inspection of their home. NOW GET THIS...the "only game in town" is owned by relatives of the inspector!!

Boy Nancy, that really sux... and I hope you are sucessful.

Would you mind sharing the details as to "why" you needed this?



Ninole Resident
Ninole Resident
I am not Nancy...but I can give a brief reason. There is some new regulation that states that any window that is less than 2 feet (or maybe it is 18 inches) from a doorway has to be safety glass or coated with safety film. This is obviously something new....and confusing and profitable to some folks.

Yes Loretta, that was it....we were at 23". The inspector is who gave me the name of the only approved company on this side.

The inspector also gave the name of this company to our friends. He mentioned that it was owned by relatives of his. This infuriated our friends..especially when they heard how much $$$ was involved. Our friends (after they cooled off and calmed down) found someone else to do the job(for less money)...just out of principle.

I don't think that the safety glass requirement is new. I ran into it a decade ago in Oregon and needed to replace a window.

I wonder why your design/architect didn't note the safety glass for that window in the window schedule on your plans?

I'm surprised that the inspector recommended someone. I was in the building department a month ago and needed a copy of a document and the woman was very hesitant to tell ne where there was a copy machine nearby because they were not supposed to make any recommendations. She whispered that the hardware store had one.

The inspector said we had several choices....replace the window, move the window, put in jealoustys or the safety film....the new window would cost ? and had to be ordered which would take weeks, and I think she was trying to be helpful. Don't know if she knows the film guy. Joe, remember we used Taylor? Anyway it was probably a mistake on my part by 1"

Nancy - Should be at the lot most of the day. Wood waiting whenever you want it!


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