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Police - deny looting is ocurring

Why are the police claiming that looting/thefts are nearly non-existent?

How are people getting in to areas that are supposedly off-limits and patrolled?

I personally know 4 people in Leilani, who have had their homes looted since this began.
The police and prosecutor's public statements have tended to minimize crime for some time now, and it started long before the eruption. The published statistics are questioned by many, but I have no way of knowing if they are "cooked" in the usual sense. Some of this perceived discrepancy might be under reporting by citizens due to frustration with the ineffective local criminal justice system. Neighborhood Watch told me that some of it is caused by arcane police rules as to how they define a crime.

Given the large area affected by the eruption, the remote nature of much of it, and relatively high rates of burglary prior to the eruption, I think looting was to be expected. Whether the cops were prepared for it or reporting it accurately can be debated.
this perceived discrepancy

I think the movie Annie Hall explained perceived discrepancy quite well in the scene, split screen, where Annie & Alvie visit their psychiatrists, and discuss how often they have “relations”:
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
It would be nice if one of these victims has a GPS tracker installed in an appliance or something. I'd love to see a quick arrest.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
GPS trackers being used to catch package thieves:

How helpful it would be if our local police set up a collaboration with homeowners who purchased such trackers ("Tile" is one). Homeowners place tracker in one of their possessions and register with police. Upon a burglary reported, police could expeditiously track down the thieves.

Will things ever change? Will our police ever show initiative, be open to new crime control methods?
Will our police ever show initiative, be open to new crime control methods?
No, because they might catch their relatives, and they know it...
It would be nice if the thieves simply ceased to exist. The kind of people that would steal from their neighbors would probably do all sorts of other things too... But if we have to catch them, bait cars and GPS tracked items seem like a great idea. Engraving is even simpler and would make it hard to sell or display stolen goods.
It would be nice if the thieves simply ceased to exist.

Can we start with the various County departments?

bait cars and GPS tracked items seem like a great idea

HPD will find reasons they can't accept this "evidence".
You are solely responsible to protect your life and your property, not the police. Police only enforce the laws. Stop relying on the police, especially in a place where it is nearly impossible for police to respond in time to help you. You have every Constitutional right to stand your ground. Stop being weak about this. Someone comes onto your property uninvited with intentions to do harm, ventilate them. Make them go out with more holes they came in with. Does anyone here really care about meth heads and perps?

Bait cars? How many officers does the HPD put on any given shift in Puna? Puna is massive and mostly undeveloped. You are responsible to protect your property, not the police. Police are just there to take a report, nothing more. The only other option is to hire more police for omnipresence which they are not going to do.

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