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Insect Recipes
No No not to eat. I was just wondering what people are using to control insects around the house? Either home made or store bought. I know Boric Acid is a great multi purpose exterminator. We have put it in all our electrical boxes and around the back of all our cabinets and appliences. We very seldom see bugs anymore. There must be more good ideas out there.

This isn't a recipe, but my brother in Honolulu, living in my parents' home (both recently passed away), claims that he hasn't seen a cockroach in months since he blocked up the accessways that he could locate. Most of these were in back of some of the kitchen cabinets, where plumbing went down through the floor and other openings. Now, he's not a really a handyman type and probably didn't go under the house to look for openings. I'm waiting to hear his reports through the winter and into next year. He didn't say that he used any pesticides.

I can't believe that this insect, known for its inevitable invasion into homes, with one of the longer detectable presences on the planet, which many believe would survive a nuclear holocaust, would be hindered by blocking openings...

We have used peppermint soap with some success on vegetable gardens. We just made a bucket of really soapy water and we scooped up soap bubbles and applied. My mom put it in a spray bottle and sprayed it. Both ways worked - ours was more fun.
ANT / ROACH Killer

1 teaspoon boric Acid ( from pharmacy at WalMart)
6 tablespoons sugar
2 cups boiling water

Mix ingredients and pour over cotton balls. Put mixture in cottage cheese containers with lids and poke holes about 1/8 inch up from the bottom. Don’t worry if you have more ants the first couple of days after the third day ant problem should be gone.

Be sure to keep out of the reach of children and pets!!

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
For rats andmice.... away from children's reach of couse...

one pie pan filled half way with a mix of 1/2 cornmeal, 1/2 plaster of paris.... two feet away, a pie pan filled half way with water. The nasty little rodents eat a bunchy of cornmeal/plaster, then suck down water.... by the next day their innards are blocked and they die. This allows the owls and other birds of prey to eat them without getting any kind of posison in their systems. It's great out in the country especially.


Just another day in P A R A D I S E !!
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
Someone told me that a great recipe for getting rid of ants is...

On a piece of cardboard put some molasses or honey mixed with yeast.
Supposedly the ants eat the solution, bring it back to their nest to share, then the yeast expands inside them and they explode...eventually they all die from this.

Edited by - tikiyaki on 08/23/2006 15:19:30
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Hey Pam, That's a great recipe! I never would have thought of it. I’m going to make some up & put it under the chicken coop. Thanks!

We tried the sugar and boric acid for ants. It did work but it didn’t work as fast for us as it did for others. We had a repeat infestation of those little black ants and this time I went to Home Depot and bought a bottle of Terro Ant Killer. They were gone in one or two days. The nice thing is, I didn’t have to mess around with that boric acid.


What goes around comes around!

Royall, do you think that would be safe if you have a pet? Also - anybody got any "Pede" killing stuff they wanna's getting closer to the move and I swear I have to laugh at myself for spending some time thinkin' about giant people-eating centipedes ROFLOL!! I wanna work outside and I remember one of you posting about tucking your pants into boots so they don't crawl up your legs! Ewwww...

I don't mind they exist - just don't want 'em ON ME. I'm trying to find a barrier of sorts that I can treat the perimeter of the house with. We're gonna try the boric acid thing for ants we noticed while we were there last. It worked real well for us here in Arizona.


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Does anyone know how to get rid of those beetles that cause big blisters? Ouch! Any remedy ideas for the blisters? It kind of hurts!

Uluhe Design
Native Landscape Design

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