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Bill 160 was in front of the council >>
Bill 160 = Truth in County Government when communicating to the public

I was thinking that King Kim was very lucky that he was able to give his rebuttal to the testimony from the county's victims in this Disaster Debacle before Bill 160 was passed. He might have found himself in deep do-do otherwise.
But then, he's just operating as has been the norm for the county's elite.

I just went back and looked to see what has actually happened to it.
It seems that it has been postponed again until 8/21/'18.

Now that Lipstick Girl, Puna's new representative for Hilo interests, looks to have taken the place of Ohara, who was the sponsor of the bill, and is now a lame duck, what is the likely outcome for it now?
I thinking that it will simply fade away into the fog of county government.

Does anyone, with more knowledge on the subject than I have, have any thoughts on this?

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Was a Democrat until gun control became a knee jerk, then a Republican until the crazies took over, back to being a nonpartisan again.
This time, I can no longer participate in the primary.
Yes, a couple;

1/ Open up your mind and stop with the categorizations ( "Lipstick girl", really? nice job Frankie, shows just how powerful that sisterhood really was)
2/ If you make an accusation/generalization provide some facts or basis ( e. g. Hilo elites, new representative for Hilo)

Caveat: this is only if you want to be taken seriously.
Lip Stick Girl will gain my respect after she proves she has earned it.
Until then, she is suspect.
Your alias and your vehement support of her only reinforces my distrust of her intentions and/or capabilities.

Plus, go back and re read my post.
You've misquoted me.
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Was a Democrat until gun control became a knee jerk, then a Republican until the crazies took over, back to being a nonpartisan again.
This time, I can no longer participate in the primary.

Why don't you contact Ashley directly and ask her? Or are you only capable of calling people names and being disrespectful of someone you know nothing about?


Lead by example
Innocent people don't delete the evidence proving their innocence
Stop hijacking this post with your complaints about my lack of respect for your favorite candidate.
If she's tough enough for the job, she can deal with it.

Back to my question:
What is the likely outcome for Bill 160?
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Was a Democrat until gun control became a knee jerk, then a Republican until the crazies took over, back to being a nonpartisan again.
This time, I can no longer participate in the primary.
No hijacking involved...if you care so much about Bill 160 ASK the newly elected council member what is going to happen to the bill?

BTW, you are the one complaining/whining. Maybe you need a nap.

Contact both Eileen and Ashley and find out what you need to know about the bill outcome. They are the two people who can most likely provide you with that information. I understand you are have been through Hell the past few months. However, I don't think it's productive to lash out at people on Punaweb. If you need to know how to contact them, I can provide you with that information.


Lead by example
Innocent people don't delete the evidence proving their innocence
"Plus, go back and re read my post.
You've misquoted me."

So,1V1, there are two common ways to denote direct quotes;
using these thingamiggigies called "quote marks", that look like this, "...."
or to use italics.

Sometimes, as above to begin this post, one uses both.

When I quoted you exactly, "Lipstick Girl", I used the quote marks.
When I paraphrased* you, (e.g. Hilo elites, new representative for Hilo), I didn't.

While you may sincerely wish to discuss Bill 160 the negative elements presented in your original post has led this thread down a cul-de-sac of criticism. Casting aspersions and false claims is no way to have anyone with "knowledge on the subject" be likely to respond.

And it's interesting that you questioned AK's "toughness" when replying to another post. According to the T-H that was essentially the message that defaced AK's sign "only da strong survive". Maybe that's a thing with the young woman, that people doubt her mettle.

One interesting feature in the article is that the writer has placed the apostrophe in O'Hara, which all of her campaign material lacked. I know you can't put that punctuation mark in a URL but there are no other areas of publishing (e.g. ballots) that restrict it's use. I always found it questionable that she chose to leave it out of her campaign name. I visited the Ohara region near Kyoto and sent our children to Dr. Ohara in Hilo so I'm aware of that spelling's antecedents. And I'm aware of the value of ethnicity in Hawaii's political history. If anyone might have changed their name to a better benefit it would have been someone named "Kierkiewicz" running in Hawaii.

Oh, sorry, am I hijacking this thread ? It is about Bill 160, and truthfulness....

*paraphrase- express the meaning of (the writer or speaker or something written or spoken) using different words, especially to achieve greater clarity.
You know, HiloPuna, I don't hide my commentary behind aliases. Not one person in this thread has the guts to identify themselves. And since I read/post on PW infrequently, I don't know who's who here. I just want to point out some simple basic facts: There is still a general election scheduled for November. Ashley will not be sworn in as a council member until December. Eileen will still be representing and conducting council business at its twice-a-month meetings through November. You're welcome!
Eileen will still be representing and conducting council business at its twice-a-month meetings through November.

Seems like she's really more focused on complaining to any media who will listen ... but that's OK, I don't expect much of our Council.
Seems like whining is the new norm. Wirick is complaining about the voting (how ironic!!) and wants to be on the November ballot. What ever happened to showing some class, congratulating your opponent, and moving on?

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