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Kikala-Keokea Homesteads
Aloha. Me here on the mainland, dreaming of Hawaii. I have found a beautiful spanking new house in Kikala-Keokea Homesteads. It is on three beautiful acres. Financially, it is in the ballpark. It is fenced. Slight ocean view. I have dogs. It has county water. And so what, you ask, could be wrong?

Well it is in Lava Zone 2 and if I am correct is seems to be near that subdivision (Royal Gardens?) that was SWALLOWED ALIVE BY LAVA.

If you are so inclined, reassure me! Is this a safe place to be?????
I guess this is the property your talking about?

Seems a bit over priced since it sold a year ago for 296k (so much for prices coming down)I would'nt offer more than 350k and thats only if you lllooovvve it.Try 296k plus 6%,the permit was pulled in 2001 building completed in 2004 so its practically time to termite treat being maybe 5 years old now.There is a 20 acre (each lot) subdivision close to this that sell for around 200k each(vacant land).seems like a nice spread but no open beam or cathedral ceilings and to me they are a must (once you have ob you can't go back or you'll feel supressed.
About the area its not "that" close to royal gardens a few miles and up a big incline,its actually close to Black Sand Beaches Puna's lowest priced subdivision.This whole area sits on a rift.
I don't think there are to many nice homes like that one in the area and not that many homes for that matter.Its right off the highway for easy commuting but on the rainy side of the highway then again it may be at a low enough elevation that its drier.
The views are stunning in this area.
I remember this house on the market back when so I guess its been sitting empty for quite awhile?? wonder why?(flipper? you know some people list things for crazy amounts just to see if they can get it). even has the same pics on the mls.
Anyway for that kind of money I think you could find a much better value.But I have no idea what you value so I think you'll be safe I guess Wink I hear there is a new bulge forming on lava mountain so chances are good it will blow out one day.Can't say if it will affect anyone though.The lava moves pretty slow so you'll have time to get to safety,expect your homeowners insurance to be a few thousand + a year for that amount in this area.
I actually love this area its beautiful in most spots,remote but close to the highway,not very populated,farm like,and close to the ocean.
Happy hunting!

Edited by - punamom on 08/25/2006 03:07:58
Aloha Punamom,

My wife & I will be on the BI 9-4 thru 9-10 looking @ propertys. I would like to know where the 20 acre sub. is so we can add it to our list to check out!

We would like a property that size for all our critters.

We have horses and will be shipping them from the mainland (Ojai Ca.) to BI via Pacific Airlift

Aloha Glen,
Our realtor previewed this property for us this week & said it was a "Wonderful house & property" my wife saw the photos and was ready to mail a check! I needed a little more info that Punamom provided so I can make a "informed" decision, Mahalo for your info Punamom!!

The great thing about this forum is the insight that many people that were in our shoes (not moved to the BI yet) are so willing to share their experiences (good & bad) to help others move to BI!! That is the Aloha I hope to find & give back.

E-Mail me after I look at the property in person thur. 9-7-06 and I will answer any questions I can about it.

Mahalo, Rick J.

Edited by - rick j on 08/25/2006 11:31:10

Edited by - rick j on 08/25/2006 11:34:31
I've been to that house and its nicely done. The layout is good and it seems really well built. The driveway was still being constructed and some of the interior work was still being finished. When it sold before it was VERY imcomplete. They've done a LOT of work on it. Nice location and Punamom is right, there isn't much else built in the area. I wish it had a little more landscaping, but that's a personal thing.

John Dirgo, RA, ABR, e-PRO
Island Trust Properties, LLC
808-987-9243 cell
John Dirgo, R, PB, EcoBroker, ABR, e-PRO
Aloha Coast Realty, LLC
808-987-9243 cell
Punamom, Rick J and John, I am indebted to all of you and wish I could have each of you as neighbors. Here’s my story: I have a friend who has a condo in Kauai and she kept encouraging me to go there. I had no interest in going to Hawaii: I live in Southern California – we have beaches, we have near perfect weather, why would I want to go to Hawaii? My friend kept politely reminding me of her offer and finally, I booked a trip, for February 2006. And then the rains came to Kauai. The road to her condo in Princeville was closed and my partner wanted to cancel the trip. I called Hawaiian Airlines. They were allowing people that were traveling to Kauai to travel instead to another island. I had done some research and I chose Molokai. We arrived at the tiny airport to a glorious sunny day and many genuine smiles. Aloha descended upon me immediately. Went to the dry side; went to the wet side. By the time I left, seven days later, I had nearly gone native. I left, learned who Hapa and Izzy are, bought a ukulele and decided that I would be relocating. No one, and no reality –not centipedes or croquis-- I did my research and saw that the best values were on TBI, and, of course, the most intriguing vibe! Thanks Punamom – I was blown away by your detailed answer. The bulge is pretty spooky. I am alternately repelled and attracted by the thought of living anywhere near a volcano. What is a rift? Is being on a rift a good thing? All I would be concerned about is lava overrunning the property. Mahalo especially for your tips on valuing the property. Extraordinary. Rick J: Hey, that’s my house! But seriously, it does sound like a wonderful place for you. I would be very curious to hear your thoughts after your trip (have a wonderful time). John D: could you tell me more about why you think it is a nice location? The location (lava, hot, hot lava) is my only concern. Any thoughts on that?
Rift System: The oceanic ridges formed where tectonic plates are separating and a new crust is being created; also, their on-land counterparts.
Rift Zone: A zone of volcanic features associated with underlying dikes. The location of the rift is marked by cracks, faults, and vents.
There are many great sites w/info on the volcano. One of favorites:

The volcano is a presence to me; without it the Big island wouldn't be the Big Island. When my Mom married my Hawaiian Dad, on one of our trips over he took my sister and I hiking in the Park just after a flow had closed a road. Of course we walked on it and melted our Keds.

Now that I'm here, it doesn't worry me any more than the prospects of blizzards did the last 30 years in CO. Though just the other day, as I was riding my bike in the neighborhood (lower HPP) I happened to notice it was clear enough to see Pu'u O'o up mauka. It did give me pause, oh yeah, I thought, I'm living on an active volcano-Wow.
The location is nice because there aren't a lot of neighbors, it tends to be sunnier down by Kalapana and the beaches are pretty close (the new beach at Kaimu is only a few miles away and Kehena is about 10 miles away). It is close to where lava covered the land only 16 years ago or so, but its a bit uphill from that.

John Dirgo, RA, ABR, e-PRO
Island Trust Properties, LLC
808-987-9243 cell
John Dirgo, R, PB, EcoBroker, ABR, e-PRO
Aloha Coast Realty, LLC
808-987-9243 cell

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