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The Fissure 8 Conspiracy Theory
A week or so ago on the 2018 Lava Flow Emergency Forum, EightFingers asked a simple, relatively innocent question:
So who “owns” fissure 8?

The answers and suggestions which followed offered a number of ideas, with kalakoa noting, "whatever is convenient for the State".

Now we hear on Punatalk:
The $680 million dollar plan for Puna

BillyB quoted from a news article linked by reni that the entirety of Lealani Estates may be included in the buyout:
"Takemoto said that amount is based on the cost of purchasing land at 100 percent of the pre-disaster value for properties that are inundated or isolated, and for the remaining properties in Leilani Estates."
OK now it becomes clear;

Yes! Now it becomes crystal clear - - What is in Fissure 8, of such great value that the government is willing to spend so much money to snatch it (legally) from the legitimate owners? You can bet it's not just "cinder."*

It would be far too obvious if officials simply made a payout to the owners of Fissure 8 claiming persistent and imminent danger. It would also not provide big and small government with a buffer zone to prevent people from watching them.

Here are the facts:
1) Since the eruption, we have not been allowed near the fissures or the lava due to "safety concerns." Oh really? Or is it because THERE IS SOMETHING IN THE LAVA? Gold? Diamonds? Geo-Thermal Heat Source?
2) The eruption has abated, but restrictions have not been lifted, while the $680 million plan "For Puna" has been under secret negotiation. Coincidence?
3) The money is not just for Leilani Estates but "properties that are inundated" in other words, properties under precious lava, so again, I ask, WHAT IS IN THE LAVA?

What do you think? Conspiracies have already been floated on other threads, but I thought it might be expedient to gather them together under a single heading, to evaluate, contrast and compare their various attributes. Given the response we've witnessed so far by County, State, and Federal officials, I don't believe any ideas, suggestions, or theories can be considered too far fetched. The truth, as they say on television, is out there. (and sometimes way out there)

* Personally, I would bet it's just cinder. But that doesn't make for much of a conspiracy.

“What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.” - President Donald J. Trump, 7/25/18
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
HOTPE - Now it becomes crystal clear - - What is in Fissure 8, of such great value that the government is willing to spend so much money to snatch it (legally) from the legitimate owners?

It's more like what is Fissure 8 in? The answer: future National Park or Conservation land. You did notice the $5 million dollars set aside for a Visitor's Center to go along with the Lava Zone 1 buyout? NPS has also been negotiating leases on land in and around the Pahoa area, and more than one person has been told by FEMA that the plans for the impacted area is to make national park out of it. (actually heard from voices I trust - and not the ones in my head Wink
"NPS has also been negotiating leases on land in and around the Pahoa area..."

The NP expansion concept is pretty interesting. Remember the destruction of the Waha’ula Visitor Center just south of Kalapana in 1989? Tried to find photos; only got this.

Virtually all of HVNP is shut down now. It makes sense for the park to seek multiple centers across Puna-Volcano so eruptive activity does not necessarily halt all HVNP operations.
the Waha’ula Visitor Center just south of Kalapana in 1989? Tried to find photos;

Here's one:
Waha'ula Visitor Center
Waha‘ula Visitor Center before being destroyed by lava flows from Kupaianaha. Groundbreaking for the visitor center in 1966, coincided with the 50th anniversary of the founding of Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park on August 1, 1916 (photo by T.J. Takahashi, 2/10 /87, TT28711) (picture #050).


Lava flows from the Pu‘u ‘#332;‘#333;-Kupaianaha eruption sets fire to the Waha‘ula Visitor Center and maintenance shop in Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park as thin pahoehoe covers the area in 1989

“What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.” - President Donald J. Trump, 7/25/18
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
is only believed by the uneducated boneheaded always fooled fools...

fyi, every single conspiracy is bogus... thus the name....

duh... maybe take a science class... if you are one of the many idiots that are ALWAYS laughably duped daily here....

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
lol, I just read this, its stupider that I could have imagined....
anyone with 1/16th of a brain and still has some common sense WILL KNOW...
...its CLOSED! ONLY because of liability issues regarding safety... duh

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
bananahead - lol, I just read this, its stupider that I could have imagined....

Oh the irony...
The missed [/sarcasm] tag belongs somewhere, but not here.
No gold. No diamonds. Wink Not even any glyphosate...

The geothermal potential of Puna is huge. Now, with Kapoho under meters of lava, as well as a large portion of Pohoiki and Leilani, isn’t the time ripe to expand geothermal?

Reasonable buyouts for both covered properties and cut off properties, coupled with National Park status, and access to coastline for recreation as part of the deal, would make a sort of buffer zone for geothermal, as well as future flows.

The amount of money needed would be staggering, but that cheap electricity and the National Park status would maybe pay that bill...?

Providing the big island with much cleaner electricity would be, perhaps, the initial goal (yes, grid infrastructure would have to be upgraded at a huge cost). And if that all went forward well, I don’t see what the problem would be with eventually cabling more of the geothermal electricity to Oahu or Maui.

Except for the all your eggs in one basket problem. Sad

I guess my point is that if geothermal in general, and cabling electricity off big island, are dismissed a priori as satanic ideas, we may be missing a chance to think of many cool future scenarios.

Assuming the fat lady has sung at least a chorus.... Wink

I posted way back when about what an eco-paradise the big island could be (geothermal powering light rail island wide, bubbling off hydrogen at night, nothing about surfing but those with imagination can add that in).

The obstacles of government corruption, citizens against virtually everything, libtards, tea party poopers, and nature’s wonderland, etc. are gigantic, but one can at least fantasize...?

knieft - I guess my point is that if geothermal in general, and cabling electricity off big island, are dismissed a priori as satanic ideas, we may be missing a chance to think of many cool future scenarios.

The devil's handbook c. 1988:

Originally posted by ironyak

knieft - I guess my point is that if geothermal in general, and cabling electricity off big island, are dismissed a priori as satanic ideas, we may be missing a chance to think of many cool future scenarios.

The devil's handbook c. 1988:


168 pages?!? You’ll have to give me a summary, and then tell me what 1988 tech has to do with anything. And _then_ we’ll talk LeVay. Wink



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