08-15-2018, 07:38 AM
quote:Because the right to pick and choose if you want to use GMO or Roundup requires the knowledge if the product contains it or not. And the lefthanded remark was in response to your comment. What is the issue of simply putting the ingredients on the label? What does that have to do with your argument of having to also print which hand the food was prepared by or what day it was harvested? Someone who would like to know the ingredients is not a far out special interest group. There are many in puna against GMO that would like gmo outright banned as well as toxic chemicals. The courts ruled GMO can't be banned but I wish we could at least have a right to know if what we see on our local store shelves were natural or GMO.
Originally posted by PaulW
"Jahson, you think GMO is an important factor to label but the lefthandedness of the harvester isn't. But based on what? "
"I'll type slowly so you can understand. If you succumb to the uneducated mob and put GMO on labels then what's to stop every special interest group from demanding that their fetish be put on the label as well. "Prepared by lefthanders", "Harvested on a Wednesday", "Touched by non-believers"."