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Bill 160... adding "truthful" to the ethics code?
Yeah, it will be real interesting to see who opposes it. I expect the employees union for one. Maybe Harry Kim for two.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Thank you Rob for posting this. I am also very interested to see who opposes it.


Lead by example
Well, pretty sure just about anyone associated with the county government will oppose it so I'm more interested to see who supports it...but also what (if any) reasons are given in opposition...that should be fun. /popcorn
Oh, so i just consulted with my crystal ball and the reasons given to oppose will be...
It will cost too much money, and we'll need to hire some more people.
I testified at a CoH Finance Committee hearing at the council chambers on Eileen O'Hara's Bill 160 which is to add language to the Ethics Code to require truthful and factual communications from the county to the public. I was very interested who, in an election year, would find objections.

Aaron Chung.

Mr. Chung was very nervous about just what "truthful" might actually mean. He didn't want to be seen as being against truth but intended to vote against the measure. Next up to bat was Valerie Poindexter. She had similar concerns. I'm not a news reporter so I am not going to try and quote everyone accurately.

Maile David was leaning no.

Susan Lee Loy had a question for Joe Kamelameha (Corporation Counsel) about would it be untruthful for Parks and Rec to issue a statement that some park might reopen on, say, Oct. 1 and that proved to not be the case.

Joe Kamelameha, lawyer that he is, rambled along not quite saying much but predicted that injecting a requirement for county employees to be truthful would unleash a torrent of complaints (imagine that).

Listening to their debate, which was healthy, sharpened my instincts on how to testify next time.

Valerie Poindexter (VP), Jen Ruggles (JR) and Eileen O'Hara EOH) said that my complaint was not the only one they know of. They have been hearing these complaints for years and years. Bad information has a bad effect on taxpayers. Lost time is lost money. Things like that.

A suggestion was made that the language might be best focused on the Building Department alone maybe. VP, JR and EOH felt that a standard should be set county wide.

A suggestion was made to postpone the bill to allow for sharper language. This is not bad. Perhaps "county employees and officers shall communicate all information regarding code and county policy with the public equally on a truthful and fact based basis"?

Anyway, there will be another hearing on the subject. You Punawebbers are invited to weigh in with the council too. Email is easy. When I hear of the next hearing I will let you know. You can testify on camera from a number of local locations.

There is a chance there might be something in the Trib tomorrow. Maybe/maybe not.

Vaalerie Poindexter <>
Aaron Chung <>
Susan Lee Loy <>
Eileen O'Hara <>
Jen Ruggles <>
Maile David <>
Dru Kanuha <>
Karen Eoff <>
Tim Richards <>

Mahalo to Eileen O'Hara for putting Bill 160 in.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Thanks Rob. It's easy to complain about government, to actually try and do something tangible to change it deserves to be commended.
just read your post Rob...Truth...Thank you for this post...I;ll be very mindful of this very Important bill...mahalo again
have been enjoying the thread, then saw this clip on biv
Suggest that “ Lying byf omission” (deliberately leaving out information, to promote a misunderstand,ing ) be included at next go round.
ignorance always an excuse though.

fair winds, jlm
fair winds, jlm
After a couple postponements Bill 160 is back at a hearing tomorrow (Tuesday).

I would like to ask each of you reading this to take a minute and send the council a message of support
for this bill. It will give us mere citizens a little leverage in dealing with the county.

Send to:

Subject: Support Bill 160

Message: as short or long as you like.


Please post here if you send testimony.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Email sent, thanks Rob.

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