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Ruggles Excused
At least until Ashley is seated, District 5 has no current representation.
...OR at least until she gets a satisfactory response from Corp Counsel Kamelamela.
It is a way to no longer show up and continue to receive the paycheck.
Well, if I don't go to work, I don't get paid.
Neither should she...

When did she get sucked into this particular brand of Hawaiian nationalist nonsense? If her judgment is that bad, maybe it's a good thing she dropped our of the election.
2liveque, thanks for posting ! Interesting to see if she gets the legal opinion in writing from Corp. Council in a timely fashion.

a correction to your statement of
"At least until Ashley is seated, District 5 has no current representation."

Ashley ran in District 4......against incumbent Eileen Ohara
Originally posted by Chunkster

When did she get sucked into this particular brand of Hawaiian nationalist nonsense? If her judgment is that bad, maybe it's a good thing she dropped our of the election.

nonsense sez you. Apparently the International Criminal Court thinks differently.
Apparently the International Criminal Court thinks differently.

The International Criminal Court doesn’t think anything. Unless they make a ruling. Have they?

“What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.” - President Donald J. Trump, 7/25/18
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
I thought she was smarter than this, I thought wrong. I guess my original gut instinct not to vote her was right.
Not sure what the big hub-bub is. If it's an invalid claim without merit then County Corporation Counsel should be able to provide a formal legal statement to this fact, right? I can appreciate Jen's interest in legal clarity (even if it is inconvenient).

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