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Ruggles Excused
However, if she's still cashing her paycheck from the County while maintaining her moratorium on voting, I have a problem with that.
All of us should have the same problem with it if she is still taking the cash.
All of us should have the same problem with it if she is still taking the cash.

No different than all those other County employees who get paid to do nothing.
employees who get paid to do nothing.

Who still provide a better value for taxpayers than the employees and officials who “work” in government, and believe their mission is to Make Things Worse Again. County, State, & Federal. I could name names, but I have real work to do.

At a White House meeting in June, President Trump reportedly told Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe that “I remember Pearl Harbor.”
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
I'd rather pay Jen to be a social gadfly and ask those potently upsetting questions of the authorities, than pay overtime for enforcers to keep people from their own houses or issue citations for daring to view the verbodden lava. I fail to see how requiring her employer to provide the full legal counsel required of them as doing nothing, quite the opposite.

The fact that the County doesn't have a formal statement on this matter is odd, given they clearly have developed policies. On one hand it's sovereignty issues have no merit, on the other it's Uncle Robert who? JoJo what now? County likes to two-step around these issues so they going to get tripped up occasionally and it looks like they'll have a full dance card at least for the next few months. And the band played on...
County likes to two-step around these issues

Yes, that way we pay twice...
I don't think the county needs to do in depth research or an opinion paper on what is a federal issue. It's enough to defer to the relevant authorities, such as the Supreme Court, where the issue has already been decided. Any more is a waste of time and money.
I wonder if this has anything to do with her father and the criminal charges he is facing? Perhaps a strategic attempt to invalidate the court system? How bizarre.
randomq - I don't think the county needs to do in depth research or an opinion paper on what is a federal issue. It's enough to defer to the relevant authorities, such as the Supreme Court, where the issue has already been decided.

When did the U.S. Supreme Court rule on the annexation of Hawaii?

The opinion of the US Supreme Court on the issue has as much relevance as their opinion on England leaving the EU. It is irrelevant.

So, there's this country that spends trillions on their military that's exponentially larger than all of the islands combined. Their opinion seems relevant since there's no way Hawai'i could ever stand against the US. In the world we live in, military might gives you the right to dictate what land belongs to who. Does that make it legally or morally correct? No, but since when has America gave a **** about that?

I wish you were right, I wish the legal and moral precedent was more important. I really do.

Aloha Smile
Aloha Smile

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