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Ruggles Excused
Originally posted by HereOnThePrimalEdge

daily habitual use is yet to be understood as unhealthy and a possible detriment to the user and society.

I have the same thought when I'm standing in line at the grocery store, looking at the items the people in front of me put on the checkout stand conveyor - - not food, unhealthy, not food, detrimental to their health, not food, empty calories...

Senior members of the Trump Administration described Trump's mood Wednesday as "volcanic." Wed, Sept 6, 2018

Empty Calories is sort of a meaningless term. The overwhelming majority of what we eat is to provide energy, i.e Calories. It's what keeps your heart beating, lungs breathing, muscles moving etc., Proteins are important too, along with trace amounts of vitamins, minerals etc., but Calories are King!!!!!

Speaking Truth to Lies / Facts to Ignorance
Originally posted by HereOnThePrimalEdge

I don't know how long the mod will put up with it, but here goes

Since you were wondering, here's a suggestion.
1) Go back and look at the locked topics.
2) See how many of those you contributed to, and commented on.
3) Within that sample, see how many contain the word "Constitution" which will almost always take the conversation away from a local discussion, into a national or federal discussion:

From the Punaweb Forum Main Page:
Note: National and world politics are not allowed. Local,
Hawaii County and State of Hawaii politics are allowed.

I understand what you are saying, but the Constitution does apply in Puna, and the Federal over-reach I discussed can bite Pna people in the butt. Historical context helps understanding. In any case, I'll not continue in that discussion.

Speaking Truth to Lies / Facts to Ignorance
Originally posted by HereOnThePrimalEdge

daily habitual use is yet to be understood as unhealthy and a possible detriment to the user and society.

I have the same thought when I'm standing in line at the grocery store, looking at the items the people in front of me put on the checkout stand conveyor - - not food, unhealthy, not food, detrimental to their health, not food, empty calories...

Senior members of the Trump Administration described Trump's mood Wednesday as "volcanic." Wed, Sept 6, 2018

I hear ya HOPTE, I think the same thing, although a little bad food everyday is considered by some schools of medicine/nutrition, such as Chinese, to be strengthening to the system. And those perfect diets can be weakening in the long run, with no stress to the systems.

That said, what the body requires daily and what is required by the mind/brain for mind expansion are not exactly up for comparison.
Punatic007 - That's why the dispensaries in California were shut down.

I'm not sure when you are referring to, but California moved from medical to recreational marijuana this year. There has long been motivation for the feds to raid dispensaries regardless of state laws - the spoils of civil forfeiture.

Perhaps you are talking about more recent raids in L.A. for unlicensed shops? I'm sure that is entirely to protect people's health and has nothing to do with the lack of taxes being collected. But no doubt, the raid on Ruggles had to be the government looking out for people's health by removing their source of legally approved daily medication.

Drug enforcement is a means to an end (historically mostly imprisoning immigrants, radicals, minorities, and the poor while seizing their assets) and has nothing to do with promoting health or well-being, which could actually be better addressed if that funding was spent on treatment programs instead like much of the developed world.
Why not be a step ahead of treatment programs with education and not giving a green light to non-patients until there is a greater understanding of what it means to partake and not abuse marijuana? We are not a culture with shamans in each village, leaving us at a great disadvantage for proper usage. You are right I am not up on this subject. I don't understand why Roger Christie didn't do this with his marijuana church, he's such a brilliant well meaning person.

It would be great to offer marijuana and anything else patients with debilitating diseases would like carte blanche. But look what happened over here, everybody and their uncle of all ages got medical marijuana authorization for recreational use with bogus medical claims. So those who suffer, get to suffer more.

See, she has nothing to worry about.

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