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Books You Read...
Lee thanks for the recommendation for the "Tears of the Giraff" , I'll try to pick it up next time I see it. I could use a heartfelt book. I'm stuck right now in Micheners Hawaii, the plague part, oh man alive what people live thru and struggle with. So I don't have a book report.

Anybody else have a book report! LOL I'm so behind but love to hear about what you are reading!

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
I just finished reading "Devils on the Deep Blue Sea," a history of the modern cruise industry by Kristoffer A. Garin. It is a fascinating story, and well worth reading for anyone who likes to take cruises. There is some reference to Hawaii, although the book is more about Caribbean cruises (and to a lesser extent, cruises to Europe and Alaska as well). It is more an industrial history than a travelogue or commercial for the industry, with an emphasis on how the modern lines began and the mergers, acquisitions, and other transactions that led to today's two major corporations owning most of the lines.

"Curious George" by H.A. Rey is one helluva tale!

"The government solution to a problem is usually as bad as the problem."- Milton Friedman
“Sometimes the truth hurts. And sometimes it feels real good.”
- Henry Rollins

My favorite books are SciFi and Fantasy with some Spy/Action/ Thriller stuff occasionally. Lately I’ve enjoyed Peter F. Hamilton quit a bit – long books and long series. Tad Williams is a good read in both SciFi & Fantasy. I have to admit that I don’t read much that would be considered educational or knowledge enhancing. But I do read a lot – usually three or four books a month. Any other SciFi/Fantasy Fans? I’m always on the look-out for more good stuff to read!

P.S.: "Curious George" is a great book and I read it more than once!!!

Last Scifi I read was "Ender's Game" by Orson Scott Card. You probably have read it. It's excellent but has been out for some time,


"Ender's Game" is very good. Another older book(hard to believe its older!) that's very good is "The Forever War" by Joe Haldeman (sp?).

Here is an older thread about the books people were enjoying at the time. I thought there was a book club mentioned, but don't find that. There is certainly enough interest to start a book club!

While living in Oregon it amazed me how much people there read. More books per capita are sold in Oregon than any other state I believe.

Happy reading all!

PS. Oh I just finished The Eight, Katherine Neville, about the game of chess in ancient times, the mysticism and power of the game, very interesting.

Tears of the Giraffe was very heartening story thanks Lee.

The Road, Cormac McCarthy, almost didn't buy it as it was an Oprah book club suggestion and I have been burned by those suggestions in the past (just my taste in books I guess). This book is so beautifully and well written for such a dire tale of survival, yet I was compelled to the end and am so glad I picked this book up.

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
Volcano by Garrett Hongo. A vivid memoir of his birthplace and search for his roots and self. Not many reads bring me to big emotional tears as this did. A keeper and re-read.

We can keep this "Online Book Club" going right here - saves us the air fare of flying back & forth for meetings, ha ha. I have read two wonderful books this year by James Houston, "The Last Paradise" and "Bird of Another Heaven." Both about Hawai'i - both weave in the history and struggles and beliefs of natives and newcomers. Last Paradise is about the struggle in the 80s around the building of the thermal power plant on the Big island. Bird is about the last king of Hawai'i and a bit about the US takeover. Both are so beautifully written. On the nonfiction front, I am currently reading "Overthrow" by Stephen Kinzer, subtitled "America's century of regime change from Hawai'i to Iraq." It's an important book. But when I'm finished I'm going to need some Christopher Moore.

hippity hop bump

mella l
mella l
Art and Science

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