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Fabric Made From Volcanic Basalt

Make it in Hawaii, if it's feasible. Hope so.

I think most of the stuff you can buy now, mostly for concrete reinforcement, comes from basalt deposits in the mainland SW (Utah, Arizona, Nevada, etc).

I can't imagine making clothing out of it. The stuff I have interacted with (mesh and rope), when you pull it apart, has the exact same characteristics as Pele's hair. OUCH

I have built a concrete slab with basalt mesh, and intend to build a thin shell concrete dome using basalt fiber. It does ship very easy compared to rebar. Less than a 1/4 of the weight to get the job done. And the stuff rolls up, even the basalt rebar comes in rolls, so transport is much easier.

500 sq/ft of basalt mesh was compact and light enough to go as a checked bag on a flight. 2000ft of rope for the shell fits in a small box and weighs 40lbs.
Further, i suggest u research ur topics deeper.

Or should I say funy, maybe even funnie?
The troll who suggested “u research ur topics” consistently baits other Punaweb members with 2nd grade spelling errors and 1st grade grammar. Perhaps if he’d like people to take his time consuming suggestions seriously, he’d spend 5 seconds researching his own sentences. Oar knot.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Unfortunately, it's just one of those things you hear too often on the island; can't do rather than can do - usually with no supporting evidence to back it up.
Don't forget . Not worth doing.
RWR wrote:

"Does pam tell u are cute when u play coy?"

Firstly, do you remember posting this?

"And Yeh .. nothing impos, but its NEVEr gonna happen here. Don't get defensively when u hear another side of the coin that different than urs."

Secondly, what has this got to do with Pam?

I'm asking you to support your claims. Is it really so hard for you to do this?
I see RWR has already deleted his post.
Originally posted by RWR

Try harder tom. Do u really truly think you 'got me' ? When i know u have no life such that u have to come fully out of character to post such pure nonsrnse in effort so useless. I enjoyed triggering you. All u did was take the (my) bait i set and proved once again that u are not over our breakup and you hate being outfoxed by a person who thinks in a different mannor than u.
I'm still waiting to see why this industry is not worth doing here.

PS. I've never broken up with anyone called RWR, so as is normal with your posts, I have no idea what you are going on about.
Basalt is the Edsel of the composites industry Tom. You might have to google it : ) .. But its like the Austin Marina for example. Peace

RWR - Why do you keep posting and then deleting your posts?

ETA: In case it happens again:

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