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Pool still closed,call the mayor or email
Kalakoa, if this was in Kona do u really think it would be any different?
Its a county issue.


dan d, thank you for your continuing efforts. Everyone I know misses the pool, it's very frustrating.
if this was in Kona do u really think it would be any different?

Kona somehow has nicer roads than Hilo despite being "all the same County".

Kona also has beaches.

County doesn't care about Puna unless there's an emergency that can be milked for FEMA dollars.
Every pool on island has had long periods being closed, the most recent island-wide was for the federally mandated drain retrofits (in 2014, Pahoa pool was closed for 8 most for that, plus updating...)
currently, one pool on the Kona side is open on a very part-time open basis.

Maybe it is time to look at revenue-generating ways for our pools:
MOST public pools in this country are not as open admission, nor totally free to the entrants, as our county...
Most pools do not charge as low a fee for instructor run classes (our classes run less than 1/2 what most city & county run pools charge...
Many pools have fees for groups that utilize the pool as a group (Have even seen public pools that charge a fee to adults for the adult-only swim times)

One thing I do know, over the years I have seen a lot of people complain about the recreation services here, which are extensive for the money charged... and therefore rely on many people volunteering their services to help keep the costs to a minimal.... I urge anyone that has the time to complain to re-direct their efforts to volunteering.... that may not open the pool quicker, but it will occupy the soul...
Thanks Carey,
We appreciate all your volunteering time,as well as helping us. I will do my very best
To carry on your struggle and ad my own. I have beaten the odds before and am a vet
So im not going to give up on this issue. Thanks to all of you
God bless


I just called the pool,same generic no pool message. Im not giving up.


East side of Hawaii Island--not so good for swimming all around. Maybe we should all take up shoreline fishing. We are a paradise for shoreline fishing.

Then the authorities will be under much less pressure to build and care for swimming pools or get into the stupid coastal projects that some people have suggested: man-made swimming lagoons.
Newest update: Straight from Donna in the mayors office to my ears. The bids have gone out. They are waiting for confirmation from the bid companies. They expect to have confirmation by friday. The timeline to have the work done? Hmm? She said maybe 10 days?
To start or to finish the job? Unknown.

I said we all need our ocean and water recreation. We cant swim at Mackenzie. Whats the story about the road goin towards Issac Hale ,and i heard it will be for homeowners only and enforced so we CAN'T use it to get to the beach? Wow she didnt know. I said maybe if the MAYOR was gonna give a press release tomoro about the pool ,why not talk about all the water recreation needs and county decissions and let us know if we still have to walk 2 hours each way (the ones that can,not me) And will that be legal? Or god forbid
We are allowed to use the new road?? She didnt know that either.

At least I got there attention,and so has Cindy Evan,Eileen Ohara and a few others.
Thank you if you sent emails to your representatives. Dont stop now,squeeky wheel dan


Carey / Dan .. Is 2 micron the smallest for the filters ?

Dan .. I'll take one of those vessels .. hahah ..
The info from head of recs ,showed going down to 2 to 5 microns with the very expensive
Blue bead sand. Than , they are supposedly going to floc it with a precipitate to remove it down to less than 2 microns. Than the sample supposedly has to go out and be tested before anyone can swim.

Its gotta take 2 weeks at high speed push just to get the water tested eh? Oh plus 900k
Gallons of water.



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