10-23-2018, 01:38 PM
salamat Dan.
Use up the rest of those p100 masks for swimming in the pool !
Use up the rest of those p100 masks for swimming in the pool !
Pool still closed,call the mayor or email
10-23-2018, 01:38 PM
salamat Dan.
Use up the rest of those p100 masks for swimming in the pool !
10-23-2018, 03:43 PM
Thanks for your efforts, dan d. It will be a happy day indeed when the pool is finally open again though it will probably be cold and rainy. Maybe we can do a polar bear swim Island style.
Certainty will be the death of us.
10-23-2018, 06:00 PM
Lets all get together ,me in my speedos and Carey in her pretty swim suit. I will race u underwater. Thanks so much to Carey, that she was instrumental in starting the process and that she pushed for doing the right thing at the time,and volunteering her valuable time.
To all of you thanks. Please help us to continue to put pressure on the administration to do right by us in puna, for our water recreation rights. Remeber they are there to help us recover from 100 + days of pain and misery. Aloha HPP HPP
10-23-2018, 06:03 PM
quote:------------------ I have a few larger boats for free. They would make a nice cabin in the woods.contact me Aloha HPP HPP
10-24-2018, 12:58 PM
I just heard from Eileen Ohara, and we were told the bid would go out today. It didnt.
The Mayor was supposed to put out a press release about that fact. He didnt. Same old poop!!! She heard that Mr kim was going to canncel the ck point in Leilani because its costing 11 k per month but he has the 12 mill from the state in pocket. They will be putting another ck point in for pohoiki. I wonder what will transpire? Im down but not out. Aloha HPP HPP
10-26-2018, 05:00 AM
Today ,still no one at mayors office to answer the phone,or any replies. I just sent this off to our reps and the mayor And Hawaii
News Now ----------------- Dear Donna Excerpt from my recent post. You havent returned any of my calls. DO SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im going to the press and it will not be pretty for your office. ---------------------------------- I called the mayors office again today(phone number 323 4442, please call every day) and asked again, whats going to happen on the 1 mile road to Issac Hale which is 2 miles in? MRS ohara said the trail to the beach is now littered with garbage ,and you know human waste. It will become a serious health problem soon. Whats mr kim going to do with the 7 million dolars the state just gave him? Keep it in the bank of course. Or his he waiting for the next emergency? Please keep the pressure on Best you can.Also there was no public release about the pool going out for bid as Donna at the mayors office predicted 3 days ago. Aloha HPP HPP
10-26-2018, 06:32 AM
Invitation to bid is out.Shouldn't take more than a year or 2.
10-26-2018, 06:39 AM
The completion date of the project will be determined once a contractor has been selected. While there are many variables associated with any successful bid process and the timely delivery of a project that are outside the county's control...
Nothing we can do here! Not our fault!
10-26-2018, 06:40 AM
they should just buy one of these and throw it in the pool hole
http://www.backyardcitypools.com/Images/...3large.jpg Aloha ![]()
10-26-2018, 08:54 AM
Interesting note, according to this article: "“This is the first of many steps in restoring the entirety of our Pahoa District Park’s facilities to public use, following their extended mobilization as a temporary evacuation center,” Waltjen said."....
umm, hopefully they have actually ALREADY done many other steps to get the multi-court & all of the Pahoa Parks & Recs facilities restored for public use... I hope... I kinda believed that this was the LAST thing needed to restore the entirety of the Pahoa Districts Parks facilities to public use.... silly me! |
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