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Environmentalists Terminate Hamakua Dairy
OD - “I see you can't handle the truth and have to resort to infantile name calling. What a jackass.”

You say name calling is infantile then you call HOTPE a jackass. Seriously?

“Do you have an example of something I said that is inaccurate?”

Yes, HOTPE is not a jackass and makes a positive contribution to Punaweb.

Happy Thanksgiving

The turkey told me to stuff it, so I did.
Originally posted by kalakoa

they should lease somewhere more practical

It keeps coming back around to "failed land-use policies".

Most land is zoned "ag", which allows everything from pigs to cows to orchards to single-family subdivisions, with "special use" exceptions for just about anything else.

Sane long-term planning creates designated areas for industrial, commercial, residential, with buffer zones. People can buy homes secure in the knowledge that a large-scale dairy operation won't suddenly appear next to their house.

County refuses to address the root causes of this "problem" because it creates guaranteed employment for so many people: in addition to the usual trades, you also need a Planning Commission, and a County Council, and planning consultants, and some extra lawyers.

Meanwhile, we spend lots of time and money arguing "quality of life" instead of living it.

Nailed it!

Don't speak unless you can improve on the silence.
Don't speak unless you can improve on the silence.
Open-d: " Were the Hawaiians not barbaric, where the kapus a figment of my imagination?"

Your original quote was "primitive barbarians." Hawaiians might have been somewhat primitive, but barbarians? Compared to who? Centuries ago the Spanish ran the Inquisition (trial by ordeal-put your hand in boiling water to prove your innocence), some Americans burned witches, and much of the world was keeping and torturing slaves. And Irish potato famine--starving your own people.

The Hawaiians killed people for offending a chief; in the American south we killed black men for glancing at a white women. And today in the U.S. we put some prisoners in solitary confinement. And we allow homosexual rape in prison and then think it is humorous.

Native peoples have nothing on civilized society in terms of barbarism.

The primitive thing--liberal social scientists seek to banish that politically incorrect term. But there is objectivity here. Cultures that developed metal working, written language and the wheel were advanced. Those that didn't were generally primitive.

The Hawaiians did well for their environment. They had little basis to invent any of those three. They developed sophisticated canoes and complex sailing expertise. That's not so primitive.

Some native American tribes that lived in the Nevada area primarily ate rodents and lived in huts made of sticks. And didn't do much else. Lucky if they killed a deer once a year. Primitive.
Speaking Truth to Lies / Facts to Ignorance

Hmm seems more like:

Adding to the lies/ Spreading more Ignorance
Originally posted by MarkD

Open-d: " Were the Hawaiians not barbaric, where the kapus a figment of my imagination?"

Your original quote was "primitive barbarians." Hawaiians might have been somewhat primitive, but barbarians? Compared to who? Centuries ago the Spanish ran the Inquisition (trial by ordeal-put your hand in boiling water to prove your innocence), some Americans burned witches, and much of the world was keeping and torturing slaves. And Irish potato famine--starving your own people.

The Hawaiians killed people for offending a chief; in the American south we killed black men for glancing at a white women. And today in the U.S. we put some prisoners in solitary confinement. And we allow homosexual rape in prison and then think it is humorous.

Native peoples have nothing on civilized society in terms of barbarism.

The primitive thing--liberal social scientists seek to banish that politically incorrect term. But there is objectivity here. Cultures that developed metal working, written language and the wheel were advanced. Those that didn't were generally primitive.

The Hawaiians did well for their environment. They had little basis to invent any of those three. They developed sophisticated canoes and complex sailing expertise. That's not so primitive.

Some native American tribes that lived in the Nevada area primarily ate rodents and lived in huts made of sticks. And didn't do much else. Lucky if they killed a deer once a year. Primitive.

So you basically agree with me, but assert they weren't the only ones. Well, I agree with you on that point wholeheartedly. They had in no way cornered the barbarity or primitive markets.

I don't recall any of them sailing from, say, Hawaii, to say, London in their canoes and sailing craft. They had some technology, but nothing compared to those that came to Hawaii in complex wooden sailing vessels with compasses and primitive (by our standards) sextant-like devices.

Speaking Truth to Lies / Facts to Ignorance
Originally posted by ElysianWort

Speaking Truth to Lies / Facts to Ignorance

Hmm seems more like:

Adding to the lies/ Spreading more Ignorance

Another attack backed up with absolutely nothing.

Speaking Truth to Lies / Facts to Ignorance
Originally posted by SBH

OD - “I see you can't handle the truth and have to resort to infantile name calling. What a jackass.”

You say name calling is infantile then you call HOTPE a jackass. Seriously?

“Do you have an example of something I said that is inaccurate?”

Yes, HOTPE is not a jackass and makes a positive contribution to Punaweb.

Happy Thanksgiving

The turkey told me to stuff it, so I did.

Yes, I believe he called me a blowhard, first.

I went back, he referred to me as an "arrogant delusional blowhard" FIRST. So he got back "in-kind".

Speaking Truth to Lies / Facts to Ignorance
Another attack backed up with absolutely nothing.

How are personal attacks relevant to the topic subject?

This is why we can't have nice things.
Tell you what. When the topic becomes about you, you are the troll.

Open-D will also be taking an unscheduled vacation.

Everyone have a good holiday.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Sorry oldcroc but back then you were just seeing a small portion of the huge percentage of Hawaiians that the US based periodicals chose to publish.
I don't remember statistics from 1959, so I mentioned one I read earlier this year from an article published in 2009:
"Citing 50-year-old “gossip” as its source, The Honolulu Advertiser August 9 tries to convince readers that, 'the main opposition to statehood was posed by Native Hawaiians still stinging from the illegal overthrow of their monarchy and the subsequent annexation of Hawai'i by the United States, and by the territory's white elite, who feared that statehood might compromise their standing.'

In reality the miniscule 6% opposition to Statehood in 1959 was motivated by a fear of elections. Opponents preferred to continue with a Territorial government consisting of officials appointed by Washington rather than a State government elected by voters who were heavily Japanese-American and heavily tied to plantation labor. Opponents of Statehood were landed aristocracy fearful of being ruled by their employees.

There is no continuity between the 1893 overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom, 20th century opposition to Statehood, and the modern Gramscian construct known as the “Sovereignty Movement.” Hawaiians embraced the United States in 1902 when Prince Jonah Kuhio, heir to Liliuokalani, abandoned Robert Wilcox’ Home Rule Party, joined the Republican Party and was elected Territorial delegate. In 1903 the Hawaiian-Republican territorial legislature passed its first pro-Statehood resolution. In 1919, Rep Kuhio presented the first Hawaii Statehood bill to Congress."

...some Americans burned witches...
That was a European custom. No "witches" were burned in the American Colonies.


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