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vacation rental regulations passed!

The County Council on Tuesday passed Bill 108 on a 6-1 vote, setting in motion the next step in the process: formulation of rules by the county Planning Department. Once drafted, the rules face a public hearing and are expected to be finalized by April 1, 2019.

Perhaps a future Council can pass a bill requiring economic impact studies of any more regulations; they need to replace whatever revenue they destroy so that the economy remains viable.
My neighbors with the airbnb should happy, goodbye (future) competition! But they’re not, they foresee hard times for the island.
Can a grandfathered airbnb be sold on?
Can a grandfathered airbnb be sold on?

We have to wait until next April to find out -- currently, SUPs "run with the land", but I'm sure County can come up with different rules for "noncompliant use certificates".
"Perhaps a future Council can pass a bill requiring economic impact studies of any more regulations; they need to replace whatever revenue they destroy so that the economy remains viable."

Now THAT is a good idea. With these new rules, there will, in the long run, be almost no vacation rentals left in Puna.
almost no vacation rentals left in Puna

Or anywhere else on the island. Hotels are expensive, and lack capacity; this means some tourists will simply not come here -- which means we don't need as many services, so we can just trim the County payroll to balance the budget, right?
But they arent finished yet: “In addition to creating rules, the next step for the county is to create a separate taxing classification, so vacation rentals can be charged a separate property tax from other residential properties.” and the new tax will be in addition to the yearly fee.

Ninole Resident
Ninole Resident
Someone's making money! Let's tax them till they stop!
Most of Puna is Ag zoned.
I'm wondering how difficult it will be to establish a vacation rental in ag zoned property when these rules go into effect?
And how much will the added property tax be addition to the
$250.00 yearly?
Then there's the 500$ fee. This feels like a deterrent to even starting a VR business.
Very unfair for Puna IMO.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
Kimo, if you are thinking of starting a vacation rental I suggest you get started immediately. Once this thing is finalized there will be NO NEW VACATION RENTALS IN PUNA. Sorry, didn't mean to shout.
Howzit My2cents, It appears that the rules aren't locked in and judging from the article it seems like VR's will be allowed to startup with some restrictions.
I was looking at some of the VR's online and there are un-permited structures being rented all over.
I wonder if there is going to be any enforcement of illegal VR's
I know that Maui has had illegal VR's for years with little enforcement.

One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.

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