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PGV gets grading permit

Puna Geothermal Venture was given the go-ahead to restore road access to its lava-locked property.

The permit was authorized after Mayor Harry Kim issued a supplemental disaster declaration that allows the county to permit clearing of the fresh lava rock.

A few dozen residences also remain isolated by the lava flows in that area.

Kim said he asked Ormat officials to help provide road access to adjoining properties.

Kaleikini said Ormat is committed to helping its neighbors regain access, though he noted liability issues would have to be worked out.

So ... instead of spending emergency bailout money to serve the public ... or at least granting people permits to grade a driveway to their house ... Kim is asking PGV to help out.
And that was the vague “authorized” people in the disaster declaration.
So ... instead of spending emergency bailout money to serve the public ... or at least granting people permits to grade a driveway to their house ... Kim is asking PGV to help out.

I think it is way past time for those people who have property in the kipuka to put their own road in and tell Harry to stick it where the sun don't shine.

Seriously, Ormat with their liability issues would have to be worked out... line is pathetic. Frickin' cut the road and shut up already. Those people have had enough trauma and every day that they do not have access to their property is just adding insult to injury.

I hope Harry's money grab comes back to bite him.. bite his ass bad. The guy is aging right before our eyes. It is time for him, and his incestuous government (who exactly is Talmadge Magno?), to be put out to pasture . What an embarrassment.
Originally posted by glinda

I think it is way past time for those people who have property in the kipuka to put their own road in and tell Harry to stick it where the sun don't shine.

Seriously, Ormat with their [i]liability issues would have to be worked out...
line is pathetic. Frickin' cut the road and shut up already.

Really, glinda? PGV has already had to pi** away how many times the cost of the replacement road on litigation costs defending themselves against bogus liability claims? And they shouldn't be concerned about some Puna a-hole taking another run at them with the road as an excuse? How stupid would they have to be not to make sure that they aren't protected before making the road available to members of the public?

If people want to put in their own road, great, let them stand the liability. But expecting a handout from PGV who has been treated with nothing but contempt and antagonism by Harry Kim and most other Puna politicos, is a bit much.
Glinda,wow incestuous gov? Sounds like a porno website. The mayor has only one agenda.

This is your old civ defense speaking.
Have a nice day.

Plus not much blood pressure getting up there.


Was interesting to read that the "cold lava"
has temperature readings as high as 180 degrees!

Go hiking on the lava, indeed!
Speaking of FEMA money, check out the registration cameras at the Pahoa DMV. They have stickers saying they were purchased with FEMA funds. So the money won't pay for a road to affected homes, but it will pay for miscellaneous unrelated government equipment?
Originally posted by geochem

Originally posted by glinda

I think it is way past time for those people who have property in the kipuka to put their own road in and tell Harry to stick it where the sun don't shine.

Seriously, Ormat with their [i]liability issues would have to be worked out...
line is pathetic. Frickin' cut the road and shut up already.

Really, glinda? PGV has already had to pi** away how many times the cost of the replacement road on litigation costs defending themselves against bogus liability claims? And they shouldn't be concerned about some Puna a-hole taking another run at them with the road as an excuse? How stupid would they have to be not to make sure that they aren't protected before making the road available to members of the public?

If people want to put in their own road, great, let them stand the liability. But expecting a handout from PGV who has been treated with nothing but contempt and antagonism by Harry Kim and most other Puna politicos, is a bit much.

Totally agree. Anytime anyone tries to improve the County of Hawaii some protector comes out of the woodwork. Useless Russell Ruderman tried to stop PGV for years fortunately no one here or on Oahu listened to him. It makes sound business sense for PGV to protect their interests so they can fulfill their contracts so we can get lower electric bills, not build roads for the County and the State.
I flew around Leilani and the National park today. PGV pretty much has their roads in at this point. Somehow I don't think they started working on them today - LOL
They started a couple days ago. The newspaper is a bit late, as usual.

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